Celebrate Matariki in style  in Queenstown and support a fabulous cause! Brain tumours are one of the most challenging and complex medical conditions & over 400 new cases of brain cancer are diagnosed in NZ each year.

Every age and gender are affected, including young dynamic people with new careers and families. Furthermore, almost a quarter of other cancers spread to the brain. Treatment is challenging and success rates unpredictable.

Matariki represents a time of renewal, reflection, and gathering. It is a time to come together to share stories, music, and food, as well as to reflect on the past and future.

The NZBTT draws upon the spirit of the Matariki celebration. We come together to reflect, learn about the Matariki stars, share a meal together, and bring hope for the future. TVNZ Presenter Daniel Faitaua will join us as we make new fabulous memories.  Live band LASocial will ensure your toes are tapping. Funds raised  go towards research with all proceeds to Trust endeavours.
Millennium Queenstown
Date & Time
08 July, 2023, 6:30pm -midnight
The Matariki Story

Gourmet Dinner with Locally Sourced Delicacies

Charity Auction

Live Band- LASocial- Dancing till late

We look forward to sharing this special time with you!

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