Congratulations Winning Teams!
First Place - Team 3 (Mozambique)
Second Place - Team 11 (Haiti)
Third Place - Team 10 (India)
Honorable Mention - Team 1 (Haiti)
Honorable Mention - Team 6 (Mozambique)
General Information

Every year, the Emory Global Health Institute (EGHI) hosts the Intramural Emory Global Health Case Competition. This program provides multidisciplinary teams of Emory students with an opportunity to address a real-world global health challenge in a competitive and collaborative environment. Student teams work together for a week to analyze a case challenge and develop a comprehensive programmatic solution by incorporating perspectives from multiple disciplines.

EGHI invites Emory students from all 9 Emory schools to participate in its 2023 Intramural Emory Global Health Case Competition. EGHI plans to host case advisor sessions with teams virtually while all other activities will be held in person.

EGHI promises to provide Emory students with a challenging and relevant case to address, the opportunity to network with professionals and each other, and the chance to win cash prizes !

Please Note: EGHI reserves the right to conduct the competition completely virtually should the health threat posed by the COVID-19 pandemic increase at the time of the competition.
​Emory University Campus​​​​

Application Period
November 7 - December 7, 2022

Competition Dates
January 27, 2023 - February 4, 2023
Application Process
EGHI will accept applications to participate from Emory students from November 7 - December 7, 2022. The APPLY buttons in the top right-hand corner and bottom of this website will be live beginning at 10:00 am eastern standard time (EST) on Monday, November 7. The application process will only take a couple of minutes to complete.

Who is Eligible to Apply?
All Emory undergraduate and graduate students including Emory College and Oxford College students

Emory post-graduate fellows, post-doctoral fellows, and medical residents

Team Composition
Teams should be comprised of 4-6 students, and at least 3 different Emory schools must be represented on each team. For example, a team could include students from the School of Medicine, the Candler School of Theology, and Emory College. This is just one example - we welcome teams comprised of students enrolled at all Emory schools. Teams are allowed to have 1 medical resident or post-graduate/post-doctoral fellow as a team member, but this is not required.

Students who are enrolled in joint-degree programs can represent both Emory schools in which they are enrolled. Medical residents, post-graduate fellows, and post-doctoral fellows represent the Emory school with which their residency or fellowship is affiliated.

Pre-formed Teams, Individuals, and Partial Teams
Students can apply as members of a pre-formed multidisciplinary team, as individuals, or as members of a partial team comprised of two-three students. EGHI will place individual applicants on multidisciplinary teams. Partial team members will also be matched with individual applicants to form a complete team.

While EGHI has limited the competition to 12 teams in previous years, this year's competition may include additional teams.
Deliverables, Case Subject, and Time Commitment
EGHI currently plans to host the first- and final-rounds of the competition in-person. The exact location of the event is still to be determined, but it will on the Emory University campus. During the first round of the competition, teams will be required to present a 12-minute presentation and engage in 8 minutes of Q&A with a panel of judges. Teams with the five highest first-round scores will receive a cash prize. Teams with the three highest first-round scores will advance to the final round.

These three final-round teams will be required to incorporate a case twist into their final-round presentations. Finalist teams will present a 12-minute presentation and engage in 8 minutes of Q&A with the final-round judges.

Case Subject
The case subject for the 2023 Intramural Emory Global Health Case Competition will be developed and written during fall semester 2022 by a group of Emory students and faculty. While the case subject will not be revealed until January 27, 2023, EGHI promises it will be challenging and relevant. The case subject will require a multidisciplinary approach to develop recommendations to address it. The topic may include issues such as health care policy, public health implementation and planning, business partnership/investment, medical research, international development, logistics and management, faith/cultural understanding, international law, and other disciplines. To read past case subjects, please visit EGHI's website.

Time Commitment
Student teams are given the case challenge a week before they present their case solutions to judges. Teams can work as much or as little as they like on their case solutions during the case competition week. During case competition week, EGHI will arrange for each team to meet virtually for one hour with a case advisor, a professional who will provide feedback regarding a team's draft case solution. Student team members can also seek feedback from other experts in the field on their ideas, however, they must generate their case solution ideas themselves.
In addition to winning a $3,000 cash prize, the first-place team will also win automatic participation in the March 2023 Emory Morningside Global Health Case Competition. Non-finalist team members will vote on the finalist team they think presents the best case solution. The finalist team with the most votes will win the Participants' Choice Award. Two non-finalist teams (the teams with the fourth and fifth highest first-round scores) will win honorable mention awards.
November 7 - December 7, 2022 - Application Period

December 14, 2022 - Students Notified of Acceptance Status and Team Member Composition

January 18, 2023 - Team Meet & Greet Dinner

January 27, 2023, 12PM - Signed Rules and Code of Conduct due (form to be distributed at Team Meet and Greet dinner)

January 27, 2023, 5 pm - Case Subject Released

February 1-2, 2023 - Virtual Case Advisor Sessions via Zoom

February 3, 2023 - Team Work Day

February 3, 2023 at 8:00PM - First-Round Presentations Due (slide deck)

February 4, 2023 - Competition Day

Rules and Judging
The Rules and Code of Conduct form for participating teams along with instructions for signing and submitting will be available to teams at the Team Meet and Greet dinner. Signed Rules and Code of Conduct forms will be due on January 27.

During the first round of the competition, a group of judges with expertise in the case subject will evaluate and score teams' case solutions. Final-round judges will then evaluate the final-round teams' case solution presentations. EGHI will use a judging platform called RocketJudge for the competition.

Logistics and Resources
Below is a list of resources in alphabetical order that provides information about competition logistics and that will aid in your case solution preparation. The videos below were recorded for the 2021 Emory Global Health Case Competitions, but remain relevant for this year's competition.

Case Advisor Listing
Case-Related Questions and Answers
Competition Rules and Code of Conduct
Competition Schedule - Competition Day
Competition Schedule - Workday
Final Round Deliverables and Submission
First Round Deliverables and Submission
Judge Directory

Examples of Past Presentations
2020 Intramural EGHCC - First-Place Slide Presentation
2020 Intramural EGHCC - Second-Place Slide Presentation
2020 Intramural EGHCC - Third-Place Slide Presentation​​​
Making the Most of Your Case Advisor Session
Dr. Mohammed Ali, an Associate Professor at Emory's Rollins School of Public Health and practicing family physician, provides his insights into how you can make the most of your time with your case advisor. He also provides helpful suggestions regarding case preparation and how you can take full advantage of your case competition experience. Dr. Ali helped launch the competition in 2009, has advised many EGHCC student case writing teams, and has served as a competition case advisor annually since the program's inception
Good Case Solutions: A Judge's Perspective
Mr. Phil Jacobs, an Emory Global Health Institute Advisory Board member, successful businessman, and philanthropist, has judged Emory Global Health Case Competitions since 2010. In this brief video, Mr. Jacobs gives his perspective on the elements that make a good case solution.
Application Period
November 7 - December 7, 2022

Processing Registration...