Our Mission is to Triple Survival by 2030
Welcome to the
2024 PanKind Scientific Meeting
Wesley Conference Centre
220 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000
October 28, 2024, 8:30 AM - 5:30PM
Meeting Update
Program outline below
Organising Committee
The program has been designed by a dedicated organising committee
Professor Claudine Bonder
Professor Phoebe Phillips
Professor Fred Hollande
Meeting Program
Monday 28th October 2024
8:30-9:00Arrival and Registration 
Welcome and Introduction
Prof Chris Baggoley AO
9:10-9:45Plenary Session
Dr Urszula Wasko - The Olive Laboratory, Columbia University, New York

Tumor-selective activity of RAS-GTP inhibition in pancreatic cancer
9:45-10:45 Session 1: Pathways to Tomorrow: Translational Research
Chair: Prof Frederic Hollande University of Melbourne
Dr Jennifer Devlin, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, University of Melbourne 
Targeting Pol II transcription cycles: a therapeutic strategy for pancreatic cancer
Dr Purva Trivedi- Olivia Newton-John Cancer Research Institute
Targeting Myeloid Specific HCK to Remodel Tumour Microenvironment in Pancreatic Cancer
Dr Michael Lee - Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Targeting RNA Processing in PDAC with PRMT5 Inhibition
10:45-11:15Morning Tea 
11:15-12:15Session 2: New Treatments and Targeted Therapies
Chair: Prof Ross McKinnon - Flinders University
Dr Brooke Pereira - Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Temporally resolved proteomics identifies nidogen-2 as a cotarget in pancreatic cancer that modulates fibrosis and therapy response
A/ Prof Jennette Sakoff - Calvary Mater Hospital
Targeting the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor Pathway
Prof Eva Bezak- University of South Australia 
The promise of radioimmunotherapy for the treatment of pancreatic cancer
12:15-13:00Panel Discussion
Lost in Translation: The Real Barriers to Implementing Pancreatic Cancer Advances
13:00-14:00Lunch Break 
14:00-15:00Session 3: Early Detection
Chair: Prof Claudine Bonder, University of South Australia
Dr Belinda Lee - Walter and Eliza Hall Institute
Exploring blood-based proteomics for early detection of pancreatic cancer
A/ Prof Andrew Metz - Jreissati Pancreatic Centre, Epworth
Cancer screening in high-risk patients - the APRISE study
Dr Will McGahan- University of QLD 
Fibroblast activation protein as a target for stage I PDAC and high-grade dysplasia
15:00-15:30Afternoon Tea
15:30-17:15Session 4: New Concepts Proposals
Chair and Moderator: Prof Phoebe Phillips, University of NSW 

Proposal 1Electrical stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system to treat pancreatic Cancer
Emma Brunton, Monash University 

Proposal 2: Targeting desaturases to improve gemcitabine/nab-paclitaxel efficacy in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Sarah Hancock, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute

Proposal 3: Improving the detection of circulating tumour DNA in early-stage pancreatic adenocarcinoma by enhancing circulating tumour DNA shedding
Jean Winter, Flinders University

Proposal 4: The Difference in BRCA Mutations in Pancreatic Cancer
Michael KC Lee, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Collaborative Centre for Cancer Genomic Medicine

Proposal 5: Screening for pancreatic cancer in people with new-onset diabetes (the PaCNOD Study)
Rachel Neale, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute
17:25Closing Remarks and Discussion  
17:30-20:00Networking - White Rabbit - All attendees.
New Concepts Session 
This year we are introducing a new session on the program: Pancreatic Cancer New Concepts.

This segment of the meeting is designed to introduce and discuss fresh ideas, innovative strategies, or emerging trends related to pancreatic cancer. This will provide an opportunity for researchers to present new concepts, ideas and potential projects for feedback and discussion with the pancreatic cancer community.
New Concepts Eligibility Criteria
  • Defined as translational or clinical research
  • Contribution to area of unmet need in Pancreatic Cancer
  • Are NEW concepts which have not been previously funded in whole 
  • Are in a stage of planning or early development. 
    • The deadline for EOI’s has closed
    • Four concepts will be chosen for presentation during the New Concepts Session 
    • The successful proposals accepted for presentation will be notified in advance of the meeting
      • An expert reviewer (member of judging panel) will provide live feedback and the leader of the new concept will have a chance to respond
      • Following presentation delegates will then be invited to provide comments and the presenter will have an opportunity to respond. 
      • One concept will have the opportunity to be selected for a $50,000 financial contribution for further protocol development, scientific planning and gathering of pilot data. The awarded concept will receive recognition for its innovation and potential impact on pancreatic cancer research.
In October last year, we welcomed over 100 researchers from across Australia to Sydney to attend the 2023 PanKind Scientific Meeting, uniting the community to exchange ideas and discuss the future of Pancreatic Cancer in Australia.
If you need more information or you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the team at PanKind The Australian Pancreatic Cancer Foundation via email: [email protected]
If you have not registered yet, please register via the button below:

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