Call for Speakers!
We invite you to consider sharing your expertise in education by submitting a proposal to present at this year’s event.

If you are interested in participating, please review the link and complete the proposal form at your earliest convenience. Additionally, we encourage you to share this opportunity with your colleagues who may also have valuable insights to contribute.

Thank you for your continued commitment to education and leadership in our region.

Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor
The Southwest Virginia Annual Leadership Conference is the region's premier educational leadership event.

There will be a variety of concurrent sessions on educational hot topics, including sessions from the Virginia Department of Education and local talent. There will also be many opportunities for networking with education leaders. The conference is geared towards building level principals, assistant principals, central office leadership, educational leadership students, and higher education leadership.

We offer several sponsorship levels and would be happy to discuss ways that your organizations can be involved with this event.
Don't miss out.
Register by October 23rd . We look forward to seeing you there.
Session Titles 
Clarity for Learning

Literacy in Virginia - SUCCESS - When the Pieces Align

Integrating Trauma-Sensitive Practices into Schools and Classrooms

Preparing Students for the Real World Through Competitive Robotics

Diving into STREAM Learning with STREAMWISE

School Law

Title IX

Threat Assessment Team

Integrating Trauma-Sensitive Practices into Schools and Classrooms

VDOE Update: Special Education

VDOE Licensure Update

VDOE Understanding the Data in the new School Performance and Support Framework Accountability System

VDOE Executive Order 33 and Cell Phone-Free Education

VDOE Preschool Snapshot: Southwest Virginia

VDOE Update: Budget

VDOE Virginia's 3E Readiness Framework: Supporting Career Pathways for All Students

VDOE Literacy Implementation

VDOE Online Management of Education Grants Awards (OMEGA)
Please Note: This training/presentation is designed for central office staff utilizing the VDOE’s OMEGA automated grant application and reimbursement system. Participants are asked to bring their own laptop.
The first two sessions will be the Online Management of Education Grants Awards (OMEGA) training presentation (9:30 AM -11:40 AM).
The last two sessions (12:50 PM—3:00 PM) will be one-on-one consultation and technical assistance with divisions as needed.

DRAFT Schedule
8:00 am -
 8:45 am
Registration and Networking Breakfast-Grand Hall  
8:50 am -
 9:00 am 
Introduction of Speaker
9:00 am -
 9:20 am 
Welcome Address
9:30 am - 
10:30 am
Breakout Session 1
10:40 am - 
11:40 am
Breakout Session 2
11:45 am - 
12:45 pm
Lunch and Networking-Grand Hall
12:50 pm - 
1:50 pm
Breakout Session 3
2:00 pm - 
3:00 pm
Breakout Session 4
3:10 pm - 
3:30 pm
Closing and Door Prizes-Grand Hall
Conference Location
Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center
1 Partnership Circle, Abingdon, Virginia 24210

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