Clarity for Learning |
Literacy in Virginia - SUCCESS - When the Pieces Align Integrating Trauma-Sensitive Practices into Schools and Classrooms |
Preparing Students for the Real World Through Competitive Robotics |
Diving into STREAM Learning with STREAMWISE |
School Law |
Title IX |
Threat Assessment Team |
Integrating Trauma-Sensitive Practices into Schools and Classrooms |
VDOE Update: Special Education |
VDOE Licensure Update |
VDOE Understanding the Data in the new School Performance and Support Framework Accountability System |
VDOE Executive Order 33 and Cell Phone-Free Education |
VDOE Preschool Snapshot: Southwest Virginia |
VDOE Update: Budget |
VDOE Virginia's 3E Readiness Framework: Supporting Career Pathways for All Students |
VDOE Literacy Implementation |
VDOE Online Management of Education Grants Awards (OMEGA) Training: Please Note: This training/presentation is designed for central office staff utilizing the VDOE’s OMEGA automated grant application and reimbursement system. Participants are asked to bring their own laptop. The first two sessions will be the Online Management of Education Grants Awards (OMEGA) training presentation (9:30 AM -11:40 AM). The last two sessions (12:50 PM—3:00 PM) will be one-on-one consultation and technical assistance with divisions as needed. |