University of Prince Edward Island, 550 University Ave.
Charlottetown, PE
Date & Time
October 20, 2023, 12:00 PM - October 22, 2023 - 12:00 PM
About Atlantic Canada Economics Association:
The ACEA brings together Atlantic Canadian economists from academic institutions, government departments and agencies, and private sector organizations in order to facilitate collaboration and aid in the dissemination of research findings.

Atlantic Canada Economics Association is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion in the economics profession in Atlantic Canada and beyond. We welcome and value all people and perspectives regardless of age, gender identity, sexual orientation, family status, disability, national origin, race, ethnicity, language, religion, or other dimensions of diversity.

The ACEA has become the largest source of economic information in Atlantic Canada.

Extended Call of Paper

The Atlantic Canada Economics Association (ACEA) invites researchers, scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to submit papers for the ACEA Annual Meeting. While the conference is open to all areas of economics, this year's meeting will have a specific focus on "Labour Market Challenges and the Role of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in Atlantic Canada." We encourage submissions that explore the intersection of these topics and their implications for the region.

We welcome submissions on a wide range of topics in economics with a focus on those related to labour market dynamics and DEI in Atlantic Canada, including but not limited to:

  1. 1. Labour market trends and patterns in Atlantic Canada
  2. 2. Wage inequality, income distribution, and poverty in the region
  3. 3. Gender and racial disparities in the labour market 
  4. 4. Labour market policies and their impact on employment outcomes
  5. 5. DEI practices in education, training and skills development in Atlantic Canada
  6. 6. Immigration and newcomers assimilation into the labour market
  7. 7. Indigenous employment and economic development in Atlantic Canada
  8. 8. Workplace diversity, inclusion, and organizational practices
  9. 9. Public policy approaches to promote DEI in the labour market

We encourage submissions from graduate and undergraduate students. An award will be given to the best student paper. Students have a lowered registration fee, and we offer some travel assistance to student presenters.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Papers should be original and unpublished works.
  • Abstracts should be no more than 250 words and concisely summarize the research objectives, methodology, and main findings.
  • Please include the paper's title, author(s) names and affiliations, and contact information.
  • Submissions should be sent via email to [email protected] by September 15th, 2023.

Key Events
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Audra Bowlus, Western University
Graham Lecture: Prof. Herb Emery, University of New Brunswick
Two special sessions:
1. DEI training session (with mentors)
2. Session on media training, organized by Dr. Jason Childs (University of Regina)
October 20, 2023  
1:15-2:15 PM
Graham lecture, Basic Income Project in PEI, Prof. Herb Emery (UNB)
2:15-2:45 PM
Round Table on Basic Income in PEI
3:15-4:05 PM
The Rise of Remote Work Arrangements: Opportunities and Challenges for Atlantic Canada
Dr. George Jia (UPEI) 
4:05-4:30 PM
Round Table on the Rise of Remote Work Arrangements 
6:30-8:30 PM
Reception, The Holman Grand Hotel 
October 21, 2023
8:30-10:00 AM
Concurrent Sessions
10:30-12:00 PM
Concurrent Sessions
2:00-3:15 PM
Keynote: DEI topics, Prof. Audra Bowlus (Western)
3:45-5:15 PM
Concurrent sessions
7:00-9:00 PM
Conference Banquet, Lobster On The Wharf Restaurant
October 22, 2023
8:30-10:00 AM
Concurrent Sessions
10:30-12:00 PM
Concurrent Sessions
12:00-1:00 PM
Conference Hotel 
The Arts Hotel is the official conference hotel.
We have a block of rooms (King and Queen) reserved for $140 + tax.
Booking by telephone at 902-370-2787,
by email at [email protected],
Or at the following link. (This link works only for the nights of the 20th and 21st; if you'd like to stay before or after that, please call or reserve over email and mention our conference.)
Note that there is no parking at the hotel; you can use either the on-street parking or the Fitzroy Parkade nearby.
Alternatively, Rodd Charlottetown, Great George, and Delta Charlottetown are all within the downtown area.
UPEI is located at the city's north end, which is about a 5-10 minute drive from downtown or a 30-minute walk.
Campus Map
Locations: Friday: Performing Arts Centre (21), Saturday and Sunday: Health Sciences Building (3), Main Building (5)
Parking on campus, transit, taxi
We recommend the MacLauchlan Arena Parking lot for Friday. Usually, the parking fee is $10, but only if you need to leave before 5 p.m. (the gates open at 5 p.m.) Parking is free on the weekend.

For attendees using public transit, the University is directly serviced by Route 1. If you're staying at the conference hotel, the closest bus stop is Atlantic Tech Centre, found at the corner of University Ave. and Fitzroy St. Bus schedules are available at https://www.t3transit.ca/.

A list of local taxi companies is provided:
Taxi Companies
Yellow Cab
Local Phone: 1-902-566-6666
Website: www.yellowcabpei.com

Co-op Taxi
Local Phone: 1-902-628-8200
Website: www.cooptaxiline.com

City Taxi
Local Phone: 1-902-892-6567
Website: www.citytaxipei.com

Local Phone: 1-902-892-6000
Website: www.grabbacab.ca

PEI Online Taxi
Website: www.peionlinetaxi.ca

We are generously sponsored by
Join us on October 20
We look forward to hosting you!

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