The Acuiti Amsterdam Derivatives Managers' Meeting 
Join us in May!
Acuiti's Amsterdam Proprietary Trading Managers' Meeting is an invite-only event for Senior Executives from Proprietary Trading firms to come together to discuss the optimisation of European derivatives markets. This event will focus on improving market structure and the operational environment to boost liquidity and help you grow your business.

Acuiti events stand out from the crowd. We got rid of the panel format to create a genuinely interactive forum where everyone can take part in the discussion.

Royal Industrieele Groote Club, 27 Dam Square, Amsterdam
Date & Time
May 12, 2022
15:00 - 17:30 (followed by a drinks reception and informal dinner for those that can stay on)
 Join us in November
The event is free to attend for Senior Executives from the Proprietary Trading firms. To request an invite, click below. 
Welcome drinks and networking
Keynote address:

Paul-Willem van Gerwen, Head of Capital Markets Infrastructure & Transparency, AFM
Discussion: The business of proprietary trading
Join your peers and a series of market experts for an interactive and wide-ranging discussion on how to improve market conditions for your business. Leading Senior Executives will share their thoughts in an interactive and in-depth discussion.

The key topics to be discussed will be announced shortly.
Drinks reception and networking
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Contact Us
Acuiti is a management intelligence platform for senior executives in capital markets. Our invite-only events are designed to ensure an active and engaged discussion between participants and to break the mould of dull panel discussions in front of half-empty rooms.

Our focus is on providing the most engaged and interactive discussion of any event and our managers meeting will give you the opportunity to share ideas with your peers and industry experts to arrive at common solutions that will help you grow your business.

At Acuiti events, everyone is a potential speaker. Rather than the traditional panel format, we embed the panel in the audience and offer you the opportunity to speak on the theme in what one delegate to a previous Acuiti event described as "the most engaging event format I have seen".

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