IDC Anniversary Weekend AD BOOKLET
The IDC Weekend Ad Book will be displayed and available at each event on the weekend. The booklet will intel the entire itinerary for the anniversary. This creates the opportunity for advertisements, memoriams, and acknowledgments to be published in the IDC Year Book: 60th Edition. We invite all to purchase a page and let their light shine in the IDC 60th Yearbook.
IDC Anniversary Weekend AD BOOKLET
Join us on October 12
Enter your event description here...Pellentesque ullamcorper tortor ut auctor consequat. Nullam sed nisi massa. Aliquam eget enim nunc. Praesent blandit blandit ornare. Sed lacinia felis quis elit luctus, et tincidunt elit aliquam. Sed porttitor eros id purus sollicitudin, quis pellentesque nunc pulvinar. Ut accumsan a sem quis dignissim. Sed lacus mauris, efficitur ac lobortis id, faucibus at quam. Praesent quis metus hendrerit, vulputate nibh vel, eleifend nibh. Donec cursus, elit id auctor porta, orci felis condimentum est, ut bibendum lacus elit non mi.

Pellentesque ullamcorper tortor ut auctor consequat. Nullam sed nisi massa. Aliquam eget enim nunc. Praesent blandit blandit ornare. Sed lacinia felis quis elit luctus, et tincidunt elit aliquam. Sed porttitor eros id purus sollicitudin, quis pellentesque nunc pulvinar. Ut accumsan a sem quis dignissim. Sed lacus mauris, efficitur ac lobortis id, faucibus at quam. Praesent quis metus hendrerit, vulputate nibh vel, eleifend nibh. Donec cursus, elit id auctor porta, orci felis condimentum est, ut bibendum lacus elit non mi.
Location TBD
Date & Time
October 12, 2023, 12:38 AM - 12:38 AM
Get Your Ad Today!
Don't Forget Your Tickets to The IDC Honors Gala!
IDC Anniversary Weekend AD BOOKLET

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