Community Conversations: The Economic and Social Impact of Art and Culture on Long Island
Monday, December 18th & Tuesday, December 19th
Join Long Island Arts Alliance and Randy Cohen, Vice President of Research at Americans for the Arts, and other special guests for an engaging presentation on the economic impact of Long Island's arts and culture activities as they relate to the greater state and nation.

Arts and culture serve as a vital economic catalyst, enhancing the overall quality of life on Long Island. Based on a study for 2022, the local non-profit arts and culture industry of Nassau and Suffolk Counties generated $330 million in economic activity, which supported 4,905 jobs and generated $81.2 million in tax revenues.

To learn about this and more, please join Randy Cohen, Vice President of Research with Americans for the Arts, when he makes three public presentations on December 18-19 as part of the "AEP6 on the Road to Prosperity Tour."

Mr. Cohen will discuss the Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 Study (AEP6), held every five years, which highlights the economic and social impacts of local arts and culture, and take a deep dive into our local findings. This is the first time the study included Long Island.

Admission is free.

These events are intended for audiences including, but not limited to: arts and culture coordinators, tourism providers and coordinators, economic development managers, foundation and funding managers, business managers centered on hospitalities, individual creatives, elected officials and municipal decision-makers.

What to Expect:
- In-Depth Analysis: Dive into the comprehensive findings of the most recent Arts & Economic Prosperity Study (AEP6), a national exploration of the economic and social significance of the nonprofit arts and culture sector.
- Local Relevance: Understand how these national insights translate into the local context, shedding light on the vital role arts organizations play in our community's economic landscape.
- Key Takeaways: Discover key takeaways that highlight the economic contributions of arts and culture, the role of nonprofit arts organizations as businesses, and the impact on community pride and identity.
- LIAA Response: Learn about what LIAA has planned as a result of these findings.
- Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow arts administrators, business leaders, and local policymakers to share experiences and insights to further enrich our cultural community.
- Q&A Session: Engage in a dynamic Q&A session to address your specific questions and explore how the study's findings can inform your strategies and advocacy efforts.

The arts are essential to the health and vitality of neighborhoods, cities, states and our nation. They enhance community development, create jobs, spur urban renewal, attract new businesses, draw tourism dollars, and create an environment that attracts skilled and educated workers.

Nationally, the Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6) study reveals that America’s nonprofit arts and culture sector is a $151.7 billion industry—one that supports 2.6 million jobs and generates $29.1 billion in government revenue.

On Long Island, arts and culture nonprofits generated $330 million in 2022, supported nearly 5,000 full-time equivalent jobs, and generated $15 million in state and local taxes. The typical arts attendee spends $37.31 per person per event, not including the cost of admission.

Data in these presentations was collected between 2022 and 2023 through the Arts & Economic Prosperity Study 6 (AEP6). The AEP6 is the sixth national economic impact study of America’s nonprofit arts and cultural industry. It documents the economic contributions of the arts in over 250 diverse communities and regions across the country, representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Previous partners have included local arts agencies, community foundations, tourism agencies, economic development agencies, chambers of commerce, performing arts centers, and more.

Even in the wake of COVID-19 and the resulting economic recession, the arts continue to provide a significant boost to recharging the economy in America’s local communities. The arts draw people out of their homes and back into community life—spending time with each other and spending their money with local merchants.

Read more about Long Island's participation:
East End 
12/18 - 3:00 pm
Southampton Arts Center

Nassau County 
12/19 - 9:00 am
Tilles Center for the Performing Arts

Western Suffolk 
12/19 - 4:00 pm
Patchogue Theatre for the Performing Arts
About Randy Cohen:
Randy publishes Americans Speak Out About the Arts, the nation’s largest public opinion study on the arts, and produces Arts & Economic Prosperity and Creative Industries, a mapping study of the nation’s arts businesses and their employees. His annual “10 Reasons to Support the Arts” received the Gold Award from the Association of Media & Publishing for best blog post of the year. Randy led the development of The National Arts Index, the annual measure of the health and vitality of arts in the U.S. and the National Arts Policy Roundtable, an annual convening of leaders who focus on the advancement of American culture—launched in partnership with Robert Redford and the Sundance Institute.

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