This day-long symposium will focus on understanding Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections (PANDAS) and Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS). These disorders involve sudden-onset neuropsychiatric symptoms such as obsessions and compulsions, self-restricted food intake, separation anxiety, motor and/or vocal tics, emotional lability, personality changes, aggression and rage.

With PANDAS, symptoms surface after exposure to Group A Streptococcus; in the case of PANS, acute symptoms can present with or without a specifically identified trigger (e.g., following an infection such as mycoplasma pneumonia, flu, Lyme disease or a metabolic disorder). These disorders typically present before puberty, but also may surface for the first time in adolescence and young adulthood. The latest information about etiology, diagnosis, and treatment will be presented by some of the nation's top practitioners and researchers in this relatively new field.

With the recent passage of NH Senate Bill 224, which requires insurance companies to provide coverage for treatment of "pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorders," it is especially important for practitioners in NH and surrounding areas to learn more about these devastating and sometimes deadly disorders.

This symposium is organized by The Alex Manfull Memorial Fund Supporting Research, Education, and Treatment of PANDAS in Adolescents and Young Adults which Susan and William Manfull established after their 26-year old daughter lost her life to PANDAS. The Manfulls established the fund with the goal that no life ever again be cut short by PANDAS.

We are grateful to all those who have contributed to this fund.  The event is made possible through a generous gift from the Minerva Foundation. A special thank you to PANDAS Network for their support and assistance.  
Discover Portsmouth Center
10 Middle Street
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Date & Time
October 26, 2019
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
The target audience is physicians, nurses, psychologists, and
other health practitioners (although a limited number of tickets will be made available for non-health practitioners).


Please call Susan Manfull at (603) 828-1766 for more information about the symposium

Tyler Cutforth, PhD
​​​​​​​​Molecular and Cell Biologist/ Researcher at Agalliu Lab, Department of Neurology, Columbia University
Barrier-Disrupting Serum Biomarkers and Genetic Risk Factors for Post-Infectious Basal Ganglia Encephalitis
Nancy Dougherty
Education & Communications Consultant for the Johns Hopkins Lyme Disease Research Center
PANS/PANDAS and Lyme Disease: Common Ground
James Giordano, PhD, MPhil
Professor of Neurology and Biochemistry; Chief, Neuroethics Studies Program, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington, DC
Keynote Speaker
Diagnosing and Treating PANS/PANDAS: Naming, Claiming...or Shaming?
Earl H. Harley, Jr., MD
Pediatric Otolaryngologist and Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, Georgetown University
The Role of the Otolaryngologist in the Management of PANDAS/PANS and Basal Ganglia Encephalitis: A Review of the Microbiome and Cytokines in a Cohort of Patients
Pawel Kiela, DVM, PhD
Endowed Professor in Autoimmune Disease Research, Steele Children's Research Center and the Departments of Pediatrics and Immunobiology, University of Arizona
Twins Discordant for PANDAS: Preliminary Findings
Beth Latimer, MD
Neurologist specializing in the area of PANDAS/PANS, founder of the Latimer Neurology Center in Washington, D.C., Clinical Assistant Professor, Georgetown University School of Medicine
A Clinical Presentation of PANDAS:  What Do We Know after Twenty Years of Treatment, Research, and Controversy?
John McDermott, MD
retired Cardiac Surgeon and parent of a young adult with PANDAS/PANS
​​​​The Words We Use and The Silos We're Stuck In Affect The Way We Talk About, Think About, and Treat "PANS/PANDAS" – A Cardiac Surgeon's Ten-Year Search for Insights and Solutions for His Son's Severe Complex Encephalopathy
Mark S. Pasternack, MD
Chief, Pediatric Infectious Disease Unit , Mass General Hospital for Children,
Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School
 Overview of Streptococcal Infections:  Clinical Presentations and Antibiotic Therapy
Kyle Williams, MD, PhD
Director of the Pediatric Neuropsychiatry and Immunology Program in the OCD and Related Disorders Program at Massachusetts General and instructor in psychiatry at harvard medical school
What Do We Think We Know about PANS and PANDAS? 
Join us on October 26
We look forward to hosting you!
Discover Portsmouth Center
10 Middle Street, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
From the north: I-95 south, Exit 7 to downtown historic Portsmouth, turn left at the end of the exit onto Market Street. Go through 3 sets of lights on Market Street, get in the right lane to take a slight right turn on Russell Street, past the Sheraton on your left, then turn right onto Deer Street. Turn left at the light onto Maplewood. At the second set of lights (at Congress and Islington St.) Discover Portsmouth will be on your right across the intersection.

From the south: I-95 North to Exit 7 to downtown historic Portsmouth. Turn right at the end of the exit ramp onto Market Street. Follow directions above from there.

Parking in Portsmouth
The closest two lots to Discover Portsmouth are the Bridge Street lot and the Worth lot. The Bridge Street lot is directly across Islington Street from the Center. The Worth lot is on Maplewood behind the Portsmouth Health Food Store.

More information on parking in Portsmouth may be found by clicking here.

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