Come join us for a fun day of golf to support the ongoing work of Arrows and Hope! Arrows and Hope works with the most needy orphan and vulnerable children of Uganda. Our mission is to point these children to HOPE in Christ through education and discipleship. This is done in partnership with individuals, families, and businesses who sponsor a child/ren in need. The team on the ground in Uganda holds weekly discipleship programs and works hard to ensure each child's needs are met, in partnership with their mother, father, or caregiver. Because of this, families are preserved. This yearly golf tournament helps provide for expenses that occur beyond the cost of sponsorship such as; emergency medical care, university fees, staff salaries, staff transport, Uganda office rent and House of Hope (safe house) rent, and much more. This year we are raising funds specifically for
University Scholarships, A Vehicle (which will be used to transport children for discipleship and medical purposes) and Staff Salaries! Thank you for joining arms with us to share HOPE with these precious children. For more information visit our website at