Welcome to the 6th Asian Symposium on Material and Processing 2022 (ASMP2022). This is the 6th in the series of ASMP (past symposiums were held in Bangkok, Thailand (1st), in Penang, Malaysia (2nd) in Chennai, India (3rd) in Lombok, Indonesia (4th) and in Bangkok, Thailand (5th), respectively). The aim of the symposium is to enhance mutual collaboration for higher research level and activity in the fields of Materials and Processing Engineering in Asian region. The symposium will become a perfect platform to share, discuss and exchange ideas on the latest development and recent findings in research studies related to advanced materials and processing among international participants. We would like to cordially invite you to ASMP2022!
ZOOM Platform
Date & Time
January 26, 2022, 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Symposium Topics
Advanced Materials
Metals, Ceramics, Polymers and Composites
Smarts Materials and Structures, Functional Materials
Materials Processing, Forming, Casting and Machining
Powder Metallurgy
Adhesion and Interface, Welding and Bonding
Nanofabrication and Nano/Micro/Meso Manufacturing Processes
Advanced Manufacturing, Micro and Nano Technology in Materials and Processioning
Mechanical Properties, Fractured and Reliability
Dynamic Behavior of Materials and Structures
Materials Characterization and Measurement Techniques
Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluations
Monitoring and Sensing Technology
Modeling, Analysis and Simulation in Materials and Processing
Additive Manufacturing
Important Dates
ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 10th JANUARY 2022  21st January 2022​​​​

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: 15th JANUARY 2022 21st January 2022

ASMP2022: 26th JANUARY 2022

Abstract Submission Link : https://forms.gle/jDAPQk9E5H1V182p6

Abstract Format : https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vS93BIq5g7AfMbO4rYXN4TwkurHmky7y3I7Xu6ttb92cyTB7pnTJ9IWj1Dn3YJ3l6IubHEKyPoL_ln6/pub

Format Full Paper for Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering (LNME) : https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vT_XbhT2UcIf5XyrAh6-H0F5UXtkBQY0Wue6QBxrcji39HxvCii-m7y776drVt0EzqIcsu8ICUowTSZ/pub
Join us on January 26
We look forward to hosting you!

Processing Registration...