The Biike Days on Föhr Island
Nieblum auf Föhr
20.02.2023 Biike-Day 1 - Language: German - BLANQUET-FORUM DAY 1
21.02.2023 Biike-Day 2 - International: Multilingual - "BIIKEBRENNEN"
22.02.2023 Biike-Day 3 - Language: English - BLANQUET-FORUM DAY 2
Der 1. Forums-Tag am 20. Februar 2023 ist deutschsprachig und ist der NACHHALTIGKEITSTAG unserer grünen und bunten Freundes- und Kollegenkreise im Rahmen des Blanquet-Symposiums auf der Grünen Insel Föhr.
Das Symposium setzt sich über das Nachhaltigkeitsspektrum hinaus generationsübergreifend mit den entscheidenden Fragen unserer Zeit auseinander. Die Sprecher sind Orientierungspersönlichkeiten aus unseren Freundeskreisen, die für ihre Themen "brennen".
Die Patronage haben Dr. Henri Michael und Marion von Blanquet auf der Insel Föhr lebend übernommen. Bereits 2002 hat der Arzt Blanquet auf Föhr anlehnend an die historischen, privat organisierten Föhrer Kapitänsschulen, die vom 16.-18. Jhd. mehr als 2.000 Kapitäne hervorbrachten, die Denkfabrik "SÜNJHAID! - The Health Captains Think Tank" begründet; seit Coronaausbruch THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB. Marion von Blanquet hat 2019 noch vor Corona für die Erweiterung des Themenspektrums auf ONE HEALTH - "Gesundheit für Mensch, Tier und Natur gemeinsam" - gesorgt. Mit Ausbruch von #COVID19 hat Michael von Blanquet aus dem Ursprungsformat Sünjhaid! heraus den internationalen "silofreien" professionellen Business-Club - THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB - für nachhaltige Gesundheit geformt.
Christi Himmelfahrt 2003 fand das erste Sünjhaid!Symposium auf Föhr statt. Wir feiern 2023 das 20. jährige Jubiläum mit der Erweiterung des Forums um die Biiketage auf der Grünen Insel Föhr.Maximale Teilnehmerzahl am Symposium 150. Ab 16 Jahren Teilnahme ohne Begleitung der Eltern, ab 14 Jahren Teilnahme mit Begleitung der Eltern möglich. Wir wollen vor allem die jüngeren Generationen erreichen, ihr vor allem ist unsere generationsübergreifende Denkfabrik FÖHR THE BRAIN.FORUM gewidmet.
Die Social Events haben keine Teilnehmerzahlbeschränkung.
Partner, Family, Friends & Colleagues are welcome - since 2003. February 21th - THE BIIKE DAY
February 21th is since centuries the traditional Biike-Day in North Frisia and the arrival day of our international speakers & guests for our ONE HEALTH SYMPOSIUM
on February 22th on the green seafaring island Föhr powered by
North Frisia is a part of the German state Schleswig-Holstein, it is located in the Northwest on the Northern Sea, it includes the seafaring islands Föhr, Amrum and Sylt.
Maybe some of you have ancestors from North Frisia. The North Frisian emigration overseas began in the early 17th century. During that time sea men from the region travelled on Dutch vessels to New Amsterdam, what we know today as New York City. During the 19th century mass migration began from North Frisia. Today there is hardly a native family in the region that has no relatives or ancestors somewhere overseas.
The word “biike” means fire signal.
In the early modern times on the North Frisian coast and islands the Biikebrennen took place around the time when families said goodbye to their fathers and husbands when they left to go whaling. Not a small number of men earned a living for their families this way. Around 1700 about 3600 men from North Frisia, mainly from the islands Föhr, Amrum and Sylt went whaling. With the celebrations of Biikebrennen the population said farewell to winter, welcomed spring and at the same time said goodbye to the whalers – the bonfires were used for navigation and as a signal of farewell because the seafarers would be able to see the bonfires for some time as they travelled away. Whalers would be away for quite some time, they would return in late autmn. That is, if they returned at all. Some whalers died on the trip, today there are very interesting "speaking" gravestones from whalers in the early modern times that can still be visited in cemeteries on Föhr, Amrum or Sylt.
In December 2014 the Biikebrennen was put on the list of
German immaterial cultural heritage.
On this Day we reflect and exchange our thoughts on "WOFÜR BRENNE ICH?" - what is my passion, what is our purpose - the HEALTH CAPTAINS reflect on their LEADERSHIPCOMPASS together.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB is promoting for #NewNormal ONE HEALTH:
“One Health” is built on a simple understanding – that human health, animal health and our shared environment are part of a deeply interconnected system.
“At the latest in the face of the global corona pandemic, we have to completely restructure medicine, health sciences, health industry and the health systems worldwide towards sustainability. It is about human life, the life of our families and friends, our employees and colleagues, the life of those entrusted to us and it is about our own life and our nature. Join THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB – www.healthcaptains.club – with your input to synchronize action plans and strategies to accelerate the scaling and implementation of sustainable solutions and results. TOGETHER FIRST – "from bench to bedside and from bedside to bench" – it’s about time, now ! LEADERSHIP BEGINS WITH YOU. Welcome on Board”
We connect One Health with the value-based Healthcare Strategy to deliver Value for the individual Patient and as the identical value-based strategy for One Health to deliver value towards Humans, Animals and our Nature as Holistic interconnected System to built together a sustainable and scaleable "One Health & Care" Business Platform.
Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet, President