Blazing a path towards “Total Success” in Solid Organ Transplantation
June 2, 2024, 12:15 PM - 1:15 PM
Philadelphia Marriott Downtown | Salon ABF (Level 5)
1200 Filbert St, Philadelphia, PA
Join Dr. Diane Cibrik and Dr. Flavio Vincenti as they co-chair this lunchtime symposium aimed to help blaze a path towards total success in solid organ transplantation. During this educational session, Drs Kirk, Budde, Fishman and Mannon will review the importance of personalized immune management, pragmatic prognostic endpoints for clinical trials, the potential future of targeted immunotherapy and organ transplantation followed by an open-forum panel discussion.
This symposium is not part of the ATC official educational program and the sessions and content are not endorsed by ATC.