Prevent Pests This Summer!
Insects and disease affect weakened plants.  Healthy plants can resist insect pests and diseases.  If you've got pest problems you've got an opportunity to help your plants out grow them!

"Prevention is by far my favourite form of pest management, and it’s by reading the plants that we’re shown how we can pick up our game. Healthier plants have more minerals and flavour too- so it’s an obvious and alluring win-win!”

      You will:

✔️Learn to identify specific pest damage

✔️Distinguish between symptoms of mineral deficiency and disease

✔️Learn the nutritional foundation to pest management

✔️Learn two easy homemade recipes to BOOST PLANT IMMUNITY

🌿 Bring a sample of pest-affected plant material with you for group inspection/identification if you have something

Wood-fired pizza lunch included!

By Donation

The Gourmet Garden School's Mission is to Help You Grow More Food, of Better Quality Food, For Less Work🥕
Coffs Regional Community Garden
51 Combine st, (Combine St. Reserve), Coffs Harbour, 2450
Date & Time
Sun 10th Dec, 2023, 9:00am - 12pm

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