Boulder Opera Performance Preview
Join us on Saturday, June 1st at 3:30pm
Join Boulder Opera for an exclusive sneak peek at a gorgeous new piece of music, The Phenomenal Cage, ahead of its 2025 premiere!

By attending The Phenomenal Cage workshop, you'll play a pivotal role in shaping this new work as it is being written. Immerse yourself in the creative process as we eagerly gather audience feedback, while refining the libretto and score. Ask questions, learn about the process of bringing fresh work to fruition, and meet the artistic team while enjoying refreshments.

The Phenomenal Cage, a one-woman opera-in-progress by Griffin Candey and Joshua McGuire, is an ambitious and transformative project that delves into the poignant journey of a woman's relentless pursuit of liberation from social confinements. This narrative explores the universal human experience of yearning for freedom, resonating particularly in the context of modern society. It confronts social structures and challenges the confinements inhibiting women.

The Boulder Opera is committed to making opera accessible, inspiring, and engaging to the community. Its mission is to develop new audiences for this old art form, enrich the lives of our community, and provide opportunities to local musicians.

Academy University Hill is excited to welcome Boulder Opera to its historic Chapel Hall!
Academy University Hill Chapel Hall
833 10th Street, Boulder, Colorado 80302, USA
Date & Time
Saturday, June 1st 2024, 3:30 PM 

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