Join international and Japanese speakers to discuss the future of science communication in Japan. What do we want for the field of science communication in 5, 10, or 20 years, and what needs to be done to get there?

Japanese science communication has enjoyed steady growth over the past 10 years, but those gains are at risk of being lost without a vision for what comes next. A diverse range of speakers will offer insight into both the problems and the potential for science communication in Japan, and give their thoughts on how to address our challenges and capitalize on our strengths. Input from attendees will also be encouraged for a collaborative discussion of how best to drive our field forward.

This symposium provides an opportunity for science communication stakeholders to identify common goals, and develop cooperative partnerships to achieve them.
Laboratory of Advanced Research A
The University of Tsukuba,
1-1-1 Tennoudai,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki
Date & Time
November 2, 2019
10:00 AM - 5:40 PM
University of Tsukuba
This event will be conducted in English


10:00 AM - 5:40 PM
Welcome address
Prof Kyosuke Nagata  (President, University of Tsukuba)
Session 1
Current perspectives on science communication 
The field of science communication encompasses a broad spectrum of activities, and is understood, perceived, valued, and supported differently by people in different sectors and different countries. Furthermore, these conceptualizations and attitudes also change over time. This session will draw from a variety of perspectives to consider the multi-faceted reality of science communication in 2019.

Speakers: Prof Nancy Longnecker,  Prof Masataka Watanabe
Break and networking
session 2
Opportunities through international cooperation
The distinct national characteristics of each country’s science communication offers opportunities to learn from each other, support each other, and become stronger through our diversity. This session will explore how international relationships can contribute to the field.

Speakers: A/Prof Mikihito Tanaka,  Prof Brendan Barrett,  Dr Linda Sellou
Session 3
Science communication training and education
Fostering the next generation of practitioners, trainers, and academics is critical for the long term development of the field of science communication. This session will explore current approaches to science communication training and education, and consider how to address challenges and make improvements.

Speakers: Dr Jenny Martin,  A/Prof Kei Kano,  Dr Mitsuru Kudo,  A/Prof Shishin Kawamoto
break and networking
Session 4
Fostering a supportive environment for science communication
The field of science communication is in need of invigoration, and this will not happen without motivated action. This session will explore concrete measures for fostering a positive and supportive environment within which the field of science communication can develop and have genuine impact on society.

Speakers: Dr Rod Lamberts, Prof Hiromi Yokoyama
Panelists: Prof Nancy Longnecker,  Dr Jenny Martin,  Dr Mitsuru Kudo
Session 5
Panel discussion of the main themes to emerge from Sessions 1~4
Closing comments
Prof Jun Ikeda (President's Office Chief of Staff, University of Tsukuba)
Speakers and Panelists
Dr Rod Lamberts
National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, 
Australian National University
Dr Rod Lamberts is Deputy Director of the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS) at the ANU and a former National President of the Australian Science Communicators. He has been a science communication practitioner and researcher for 21 years, and designed some of the first university science communication courses in Australia. Rod consults to a wide variety of private and public science agencies in Australia and overseas and is a regular public commentator on science, science communication, and science and public policy. He believes science and research should make a difference to everyone, not just academics!
Prof Nancy Longnecker
Centre for Science Communication, 
University of Otago 
Nancy is Professor of Science Communication at the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand. Otago’s Centre for Science Communication is one of the world’s largest postgraduate facility for study and research of Science Communication and Nancy convenes the Science in Society stream of study. Her current research looks at factors that affect people’s attitudes towards science-related issues and aims to improve impact of science engagement.
From 2002 to 2014, Nancy was a leader in the inaugural science communication programs at the University of Western Australia, teaching in Perth and in Singapore. She developed and taught nine classes, including Science Writing, Communication Strategies for Change and Science Exhibitions and Interpretation. Before becoming a science communication academic, Nancy was an agricultural research scientist and a practicing science communicator with a cooperative research centre in Australia.
Dr Jenny Martin
School of Biosciences,
University of Melbourne
Dr Jen Martin (@scidocmartin) spent many years working as a field ecologist until she decided the most useful thing she could contribute as a scientist was to teach other scientists how to be effective and engaging communicators. Jen founded, leads and teaches the University of Melbourne's acclaimed Science Communication Teaching Program. She is deeply committed to helping scientists develop the communication skills they need to be visible, make connections and have impact. For nearly 15 years Jen’s also been talking about science each week on 3RRR, Australia’s largest community radio station. She writes a popular science blog, is a member of the Science Gallery Melbourne Leonardos and also writes for CSIRO's Double Helix Magazine.
Dr Linda Sellou
Faculty of Science,
National University of Singapore
Dr. Linda Sellou is a lecturer for the National University of Singapore-Australian National University Joint Master in Science Communication and the NUS Department of Chemistry in Singapore. She received a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Bristol, where she also became a STEM ambassador. Linda has been actively involved in science outreach programs locally and internationally.
Prof Brendan Barrett
Osaka University
Brendan is a Professor in the Center for the Study of Co*Design at Osaka University, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and holds visiting professorships at United Nations University, University of Tokyo, and RMIT University.  He has spent a large part of his professional career with the United Nations based in Japan, first with UN Environment Programme – International Environmental Technology Centre, and then in various roles at the United Nations University in Tokyo culminating with UNU Head of Communications. He has written and taught extensively on national and local environmental policy-making, environmental impact assessment, sustainability science and science communication. He currently teaches courses on science communications at Osaka University and the UNU.
A/Prof Kei Kano
Shiga University
Kei KANO, Ph.D., is an associate professor at the Faculty of Education, Shiga University, the Director general of Social Dialogue Skills Laboratory (non-profit organization), and the Director of NISSAN Global Foundation.
He holds a B.S. in Biophysics, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, and both M.S. and Ph.D. in Graduate School of Biostudies, Kyoto University. Dr. Kano’s research interests surround the evaluation of science communication activities and inclusive public engagement in science, technology and innovation policy. He has won awards such as the “Science Education on Scientific Viewpoint, Prize for Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology in Japan”(2017).
A/Prof Shishin Kawamoto
Hokkaido University
KAWAMOTO Shishin, PhD, taught and researched science communication at Tokyo Institute of Technology from 2007 to 2013, and is currently Associate Professor at the Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University. He has also been the director of CoSTEP (Communication of Science and Technology Education and Research Program) since 2017. CoSTEP delivers science communication programs not only to Hokkaido University students but also to citizens. CoSTEP has produced more than 900 graduates since 2005, and Kawamoto was one of the first of these graduates. His original research field was developmental biology (regeneration). His current interests are dual-use research, transdisciplinary research and inscription.
Dr Mitsuru Kudo
Osaka University
Mitsuru Kudo, PhD, is an associate professor at the Center for the Study of Co* Design, Osaka University. Over the last ten years he has been working on several research projects on various topics in and around science communication, including science literacy, public participation, community engagement and science communication policy. He also teaches science communication in the Programme for Education and Research on Science and Technology in Public Sphere, a postgraduate certificate programme delivered at the Osaka University, and at other universities in Japan. He did his doctoral study at the Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, the Australian National University.
A/Prof Mikihito Tanaka
Waseda University
Mikihito Tanaka is Associate Professor of Science and Media Studies in the Journalism Course at the Graduate School of Political Science, Waseda University, Japan. He earned his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from the University of Tokyo, and has more than 10 years of experience as a writer and journalist. Currently, he carries out research related to issues between science and society, social media, and web journalism. He is a founding member and research manager of the Science Media Centre of Japan (SMCJ). As a social science researcher with a background in life sciences, Mikihito has had years of experience in inter-disciplinal research and its implementation into society.
Prof Masataka Watanabe
Tohoku University
Masataka Watanabe is President of the Japanese Association for Science Communication and a specially appointed professor in Tohoku University. He is a leading expert of science communication in Japanand a famous science writer and has researched history of science and evolutionary biology for over30 years. In 2002 he joined National Institute of Science and Technology Policy and promoted researches and activities for science communication. He organized Science Agora which is the biggest conference of science communication in Japan, from 2008 to 2011. He was a professor in the University of Tsukuba from 2012 to 2019.
Prof Hiromi Yokoyama
University of Tokyo
Hiromi Yokoyama, PhD, is Professor at the Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies, The University of Tokyo. She specializes in STS, and is particularly interested in science communication theory, scientist trust issues, and science and technology policy. She received a PhD in physics from Tokyo University of Science in 2004. From 2005, she began research in science communication. After holding a Senior Researcher position at SOKENDAI, an Associate Professorship at the School of Science, University of Tokyo, she assumed her current position from 2017. She is a board member of the Japan Science and Technology Society and a member of the Japan Science Council (SCJ).
Dr Matthew Wood
University of Tsukuba
Originally from a background in marine biology and environmental chemistry, Matthew completed his PhD in science communication at the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science, the Australian National University. He is now an assistant professor at the University of Tsukuba where, since 2009, he has designed and conducted courses in science communication which promote the value of communicating beyond disciplinary boundaries, and the practical skills to do so. His research interests include visual modes of communicating science, the role of affect in science communication, and public attitudes towards science.
Laboratory of Advanced Research A (総合研究棟A) 
The University of Tsukuba
1-1-1 Tennoudai Tsukuba
Laboratory of Advanced Research A is directly adjacent to Tsukuba Daigaku Chuo Bus Stop.

Getting there by bus:
Take the C10 bus from Tsukuba Center Bus Terminal (next to Tsukuba TX station) and get off at Tsukuba Daigaku Chuo bus stop. More details here.

Getting there by car:
Visitors arriving by car should sign in at the security desk at Honbu and park at the K5 car park just inside the main entrance off Higashi Odori (Route 55).

Join us on November 02
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