GCU Campus
Information Sessions
You’re invited to a Grand Canyon University Campus Info Session. These informative events are available to assist you and your family in preparation for college!

At each event, you will have the opportunity to attend sessions that directly correlate to where you currently are on your journey to GCU!

  • If you are in the early stage of your college search, attend an info session to learn about all GCU has to offer, including academic programs, scholarships and campus life. 
  • If you are ready to commit to GCU, you will have the opportunity to apply or register on the spot! GCU representatives will be available to help you complete the application or registration process!
  • If you are currently registered, work with a GCU representative to discuss financial aid and next steps.

All sessions are offered in English and Spanish.
Questions? Contact [email protected] for more information. We look forward to seeing you!
Grand Canyon University
March 22
April 12
May 10

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