Direct Access
Teaching Demos 
April 11, 2024, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Online, Zoom
Have you participated in our Direct Access Intro Session or do you use IFS in your work and are interested in having an experience of direct access? Do you experience stuck points with clients and wonder how direct access might help?

This 2-hour free Zoom gathering is a chance to be the client in a short session using direct access with either Risa Adams or Elizabeth Parsons as the therapist. You are invited to embody a part of you or a client that you find challenging to work with. We will be recording sessions of 10-20 minutes which may be used in future workshops. You will have the opportunity to watch sessions with others and learn more about using direct access skills with challenging parts.

Note: depending on the numbers, we may not have time for everyone to be a participant in a demo

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