Eleanor Roosevelt: Across a Barrier of Fear
Join us on...
Saturday February 08, 7:00 pm or
Sunday, February 09, 2:00 pm
In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Women's Suffrage movement and the voting of the 19th Amendment...COMMUNITY ARTS OF BELLEVUE is pleased to present....

One of America’s iconic historical figures speaks to us across the decades when touring actress Jane Van Boskirk presents Across A Barrier of Fear:  The Life of Eleanor Roosevelt.  

Across A Barrier of Fear:  The Life of Eleanor Roosevelt traces the life and thoughts of our most historically-significant First Lady. The title of this one-woman play is drawn from a statement made by Eleanor, summing up her life: “Everything I ever did was always accomplished across a barrier of fear.” Eleanor’s confrontation with her personal challenges, and the public voice she found in addressing prejudice, oppression, and poverty resonates strongly in current times. The work of Eleanor and Franklin provides context as we continue to re-examine the role of government in providing freedom of speech and worship and freedom from want or fear to its citizens.
World Music Nashville
7069 US Hwy 70, Bellevue, TN 37221
Date & Time
February 8, 2020, 7:00 PM or February 9, 2020 - 2:00 PM

No refunds
 Join us on...
Saturday February 08, 7:00 pm or
Sunday, February 09, 2:00 pm
We look forward to hosting you!

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