Empty Cloud Sangha
Zen Sesshin 
San Francisco
Join us in Burlingame, CA September  25th - 29th, 2024
About the Retreat
Retreat has limited capacity; please register early.  Room rates for the retreat include sleeping accommodations for Wednesday through Saturday nights and meals for Wednesday evening (dinner) through Sunday morning (breakfast).  The rate for retreat participants is $900 per person for a single room.  Please email retreat coordinator at [email protected]  for more information.
Sangha Teacher
Randy Wolbert Rōshi
Randy Wolbert LMSW, Zen Röshi, (Jak-Un- Serene Cloud) is a former DBT trainer with Behavioral Tech and Zen Master with Empty Cloud Sangha. Randy trains and consults widely throughout the world, directing several large-scale system implementations.

Randy is a long time Zen Student of Marsha Linehan and Greg Mayers. He was recognized by Willigis Jaeger as a Zen teacher in 2016 and was confirmed as a Zen teacher in 2018 by Marsha Linehan. In 2021 he received transmission as a dharma heir of Zen Master (Röshi) Greg Mayers. He has led mindfulness workshops and Zen mindfulness retreats in the US, Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Egypt, Jordan, and Germany.
"There’s never a good time for Mindfulness, and there’s never a bad time. Mindfulness is one of those things you simply do, because if you practice being aware - completely open to the universe, just exactly as it is - you will transform your life in time.”
 - Marsha M. Linehan, Ph.D., Rōshi

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