Registration at St. Jude the Apostle church and whatever
satellite parishes may have planned for their men locally
Welcome, acknowledgement of our conference sponsors, and mentioning of housekeeping rulesby MC, John Liberatore
MC introduces: Father Larry Richards, Master of Ceremonies
Father Larry introduces: The Most Rev. Lawrence T. Persico, Bishop of Erie, for his opening prayer & remarks
Introduction of first speaker: Father Patrick Schultz
Speaker finishes; 10-minute bathroom break
Introduction of second speaker: Damon Owens
Speaker concludes; Fr. Larry, Fr. Patrick & Damon Owens’ panel discussion to answer questions submitted by attendees via text to dedicated phone number
Panel discussion ends; Fr. Larry delivers remarks encouraging small group involvement, thanks sponsors again & preps men for confession
Confessions & bathroom break
Mass with Bishop Lawrence Persico will be live streamed; satellite parishes are free to have their own Mass or liturgy that works best for them