My Story
When I was 26, I left my amazing career in LA and a secure and loving relationship to move to a country I never been before just so I could try to live overseas and travel around Europe before settling down. I quit my Corporate American job & high paying salary to study in the UK, where I have never been and where I did not know anyone. Once I completed my post graduate program, I landed a job and started a new life....until the Global Financial Crisis hit.
In 2009, when the Financial Crisis hit the world, the marketing agency, I worked for closed down and I was given 30 days to find a new job or get deported. I took the opportunity to solo travel the rest of Europe that I have not been to! While traveling around Eastern Europe, I met this Australian girl, who I stayed connected with.
Knowing just one Australian girl, I booked one-way ticket to Australia on a working holiday visa. I found a job at a marketing agency and moved into a flat in Bondi Beach, where I decide dto call my new home. Once I earned my Australian citizenship, I pursued a passion project and began to work on a Travel Startup.
In 2017, I experienced a double break up with my business partner and with my live-in boyfriend in the same month. I found myself with no work & no place to live, so I decided to book a 1-way ticket to Bali to travel and volunteer all places I have not had the chance to go. I had a couple failed investments, but during Covid, I was given the chance to connect to my inner self and pursue a career in personal growth and mindfulness and became a Hypnotherapist.
While in Bali, I met my partner. In 2022, we have moved together back to Sydney to work on starting a family.