Dr. Andrea Adams
University of the District of Columbia
Andrea Adams, Ph.D., J.D., M.B.A., is an Assistant Professor in the Crime, Justice and Security Program at the University of the District of Columbia. Andrea's research agenda and recent publications focus on ethics in emergency management, data ethics, and gender-based violence. Andrea teaches ethics in both the Administration of Justice B.A. program and the Homeland Security Master’s program. Andrea led the development of a Course Module on The Ethics of Access and Equity in Emergency Management for FEMA’s Higher Education Group. Andrea is a licensed attorney with 25+ years of business experience in labor, employment, and business law.
Dr. Ross Upshur
University of Toronto
Ross Upshur BA (Hons.), MA, MD, MSc, MCFP, FRCPC, FCAHS is currently the Dalla Lana Chair in Clinical Public Health and Head of the Division of Clinical Public Health at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Scientific Director, Bridgepoint Collaboratory for Research and Innovation and Associate Director of the Lunenfeld Tanenbaum Research Institute, Sinai Health. At the University of Toronto, he is a Professor in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health and the Department of Family and Community Medicine, affiliate member of the Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Member of the Centre for Environment and Adjunct Senior Scientist at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences. He is a Staff Physician at Bridgepoint Active Healthcare, Sinai Health. During COVID-19 he has served as the co-Chair of the WHO Ethics and COVID-19 Working group and is a member of the WHO ACTA Ethics and Governance Working Group. He is an elected Fellow of the Hastings Center and the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences.
Prof. Peter Timmerman
York University
Peter Timmerman is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University in Toronto. He has been working on environmental issues for many years, beginning with emergency and risk research, early work on climate change (his monograph, Vulnerability, Resilience and the Collapse of Society was published in 1981), coastal zone management and global change. He was the co-chair for the Canadian NGO Earth Charter process for the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. He continues as a public activist and author on topics such as genetic manipulation, disaster ethics, and nuclear waste management. He now works primarily on environmental philosophy and ethics, including religion and ecology in the context of the emerging Anthropocene, with a special research focus on Buddhism and environmental activism in South and Southeast Asia. In the area of Ecological Economics, he is currently working on the rise of the language and metaphors of the self, progress, growth, and development in the 18th century and after, and recently co-edited Ecological Economics for the Anthropocene for Peter Timmerman is a Associate Professor in the Faculty of Environmental Studies at York University in Toronto. He has been working on environmental issues for many years, beginning with emergency and risk research, early work on climate change (his monograph, Vulnerability, Resilience and the Collapse of Society was published in 1981), coastal zone management and global change.