Sponsorship Opportunities
Convention registration for up to 6 attendees
Golf hole sponsorship (2 holes) choice of hole(s) & display opportunity (if desired)
Listed as Spotlight Sponsor; and Golf Sponsor; on all promotional materials
Logo and verbal recognition
Company name or logo included in onscreen Mahalo slide to sponsors
Mahalo recognition on HADA’s website
Spotlight Sponsor recognition on name badge ribbon for each company representative
Custom acknowledgment opportunity
Convention registration for up to 4 attendees
Golf hole sponsorship (1 hole)
Listed as Platinum Sponsor and Golf Sponsor; on all promotional materials
Logo and verbal recognition
Company name or logo included in onscreen Mahalo slide to sponsors
Mahalo recognition on HADA’s website
Platinum Sponsor recognition on name badge ribbon for each company representative
Convention registration for 2 attendees
Listed as Gold Sponsor; on all promotional materials
Logo and verbal recognition
Company name or logo included in onscreen Mahalo slide to sponsors
Mahalo recognition on HADA’s website
Gold Sponsor recognition on name badge ribbon for each company representative
Listed as Silver Sponsor on all promotional materials
Logo and verbal recognition
Company name or logo included in onscreen Mahalo slide to sponsors
Mahalo recognition on HADA’s website
Silver Sponsor recognition on name badge ribbon for each company representative
Listed as Bronze Sponsor on all promotional materials
Company name listed in onscreen Mahalo slide to sponsors
Mahalo recognition on HADA’s website
Bronze Sponsor recognition on name badge ribbon for each company representative
Listed as Golf Sponsor on convention program guide
Golf Sponsor recognition on name badge ribbon for each company representative