Join us on March 08
The annual IWCBD brew is becoming a tradition here at Hand Brew Co, and we'd love you to join us!
Please mark your diaries for March 8th, and sign up here to attend.
We'll be open from 9am, mashing in at around10am.
We'll provide some lunch and a beer for everyone.
The taproom will be open for drinks and softs throughout the day.
Please feel free to bring beers from your own breweries if you'd like to share - we'll have a bottle share area so you can shout about your own bits and pieces.
Brew should be done about half 4.
There will be some drinks and fun and dancing and entertainment afterwards till about 8.
We'd love to welcome your friends and/or partners down after 5 to help us celebrate.
If you are caring for children and would like to bring them along please do - let us know if you can so we can create a child safe area!
Dogs eternally welcome.
The event is focused on providing a networking opportunity for ALL women in and interested in the brewing and beer industry while brewing a beer as part of the Unite International Collaboration Brew Day to celebrate Women's Day and raise money for charity.
You do not have to be a brewer to attend - we'd love to see beertenders, marketing, sales, logistics, ops, finance, drays, community managers, cicerones and sommeliers, home brewers, beer nerds and the beer curious.
We're using Eventcreate to handle registrations this year - it's still completely free, you can come for a bit of or all of the day, but registering your attendance will help us anticipate how many people to expect.
As with last year the idea is to create an environment and ambience whereby ALL women working in and interested in the beer industry across Sussex and the South East can meet, network, mingle and make strong lasting connections that benefit them professionally and personally. This means talks, workshops, activities, debates and entertainment - not all of it beer focused. We believe that people bond while being creatively productive so we're all about giving you that opportunity.
We're still spitballing ideas for animations at the moment and we're looking at fun activities to fill the day while the brew ticks away in the background including inspirational or educational talks, workshops - dance, woodwork, make do and mend... book club, DJs, and of course life drawing completely exploiting my brew team... just for starters. If you have ideas or would like to talk or present an activity please get in touch with
[email protected].
This years book will be Darling by India Knight. Local author, massive beer nerd and all round top bird, Jane Peyton will be leading the discussion.
Last year, despite pretty rubbish weather, we had about 50 people join us to brew a NEIPA to Celebrate 10 years of Unite IWCBD. We named our brew Jay (after the 10th letter of the alphabet and some pretty badass birds I read about in Lucy Clarks book, Bitch) and in doing se we raised over £500 to support the excellent work of The Coven Wellness Officers Project. Along the way we did some Zumba dancing, wassailing, crafts, met talented local author Jayne Peyton and even attended a secular sermon from a radical lady priest about a beer loving saint before dancing till close to the sounds of The Vulva Underground.
In 2022 - our first ever Collab Brew Day - over 80 people attended! Some just dropped by, some got their hands dirty assisting the brew of our Unite IWCBD Celebration Brew 'Surround Sound' Hopfenweisse, some dug their heels in for the long haul - attending talks and tastings, making soap, poetry or art, enjoying the performances and pizza, and/or getting stuck into the debate at our book club - and some came on after work for a drink and a dance at the after party in our tap room.
We're so excited to see what this year brings and we really really cannot wait to see you there.