Do you long to know God more intimately? Do you desire more of Him in your life? If so, please join us for our 2nd annual Southeastern Ladies Prayer Summit!
Prayer Summits have profound power to transform not only the spiritual culture of individuals, but of entire groups of people. This will be a time of sharing, praising, glorifying and experiencing the joy of the Lord. Grab your friends and come be refreshed, encouraged, and grow in intimacy with our Lord!
The agenda will be established by Christ as we worship, glorify, and enjoy Him through singing, Scripture reading, and prayer.
Why Attend a Prayer Summit?
- He is worthy!
- It will strengthen your relationship with the Lord.
- You will have opportunity for uninterrupted time with the Lord.
- You will experience pure worship of the Lord with no other agenda.
- What you experience here can easily be replicated at your home church.
- It is an opportunity to seek His will for your life and really hear what He wants to say to you.
- It is an amazing shared experience with other believers.
- You show up and He will meet you.
- It is a time to express praise and worship without time limitations.
- He will have opportunity to create a clean heart and renew your spirit.
- You will have the freedom and time to love Him and allow Him to love you.
- God desires for you to spend time with Him.
- He is worthy of your time and commitment of these days.
Summit Schedule Friday, November 1st: First Session, 6:30 pm
Saturday, November 2nd: 9:00 am-9:00 pm
Sunday, November 3rd: Summit ends, 12:30 pm.