Houston's leading LGBTQ+ organizations invite you to join them on January 11, 2025 from 10AM to 5:30PM at the Montrose Center for a community summit.

Drawing inspiration from Houston's historic 1978 Town Meeting, this day-long gathering will feature expert panels and workshops on civil rights, access to medical care, mental health and wellness, immigration, and legal planning, and more, with special emphasis on supporting transgender community members.

The summit will also include all-day spaces for drop-in support; intersectional identities; young adults and youth of high school age; sensory sensitive individuals; and more.

A signature moment of the summit will include an opportunity for community dialogue and action planning. Local LGBTQ+ history and culture, multi-disciplinary arts and a celebratory performance showcase will round out the programming.

Generous financial support provided by The Hollyfield Foundation. Promotional support provided by Outsmart Magazine.

Registration closes at 11:30PM on Friday, January 10. Limited day-of spots may be available Saturday, January 11 on a first-come, first-served basis.


Las organizaciones líderes LGBTQ+ de Houston te invitan a unirte a ellas el sábado 11 de enero, de 10 a.m. a 5:30 p.m., en el Montrose Center para una conferencia comunitaria.

Inspirados por la histórica Asamblea Pública de Houston de 1978, este evento contará con paneles de expertos y talleres sobre derechos civiles, acceso a atención médica, salud mental y bienestar, inmigración y planificación legal, con un enfoque especial en el apoyo a la comunidad transgénero. Un momento clave de la conferencia será el espacio dedicado al diálogo abierto dentro de la comunidad, donde se podrá compartir experiencias, reflexionar sobre los retos actuales y planificar acciones concretas para fortalecer a la comunidad.

También habrá un recorrido por la historia y cultura LGBTQ+ local, presentaciones artísticas multidisciplinarias y una muestra celebratoria.
the Montrose Center
401 Branard Street, Houston, TX, USA
Date & Time
January 11, 2025, 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM
9:30 AM
Arrival and Registration
First Floor Cafe and Hallway

Check-in, grab an event schedule, and network over coffee and light bites.
10:00 - 11:15 AM
Welcome and Opening Plenary
Room 106/107

We begin the Summit by welcoming all present, recognizing our organizing groups and sponsors, and discuss the 'Why'. The Welcome will be followed by:

Opening Plenary: Looking Back and Dreaming Forward - Building a Stronger Houston for the LGBTQ+ Community

Speakers: Avery Belyeu, Dalton Dehart, Judge Phyllis Frye, Joyce Gabiola, Brian Riedel
11:30AM - 12:30PM
Morning Breakout Sessions
Choose from a selection of breakout sessions and activities. Be sure to select your session when you register.

Civil Rights and What's Ahead: Room 106/107

Safety Planning: Room 112/113

Self-Care | Yoga Session 1: Room 114
Limited mats available. We encourage you to bring yours!

All-Day Spaces (Registration Not Required):

HATCH / Hatched Out | A Space for HS Youth and Young Adults: Room 103/104

HIV/STI Testing: Room 110

Trans Legal Aid Clinic of Texas: Room 111

Sensory Sensitive and Relaxation:
2nd Floor Ikea Nest Room

Creative Expression: Room 327

Intersectional Connection | A Space for Black Queer Folx: Room 328

12:30 - 1:45 PM
Lunch and Networking
First Floor Cafe and Hallway

Visit the cafe and enjoy a light lunch and refreshments, courtesy of The Hollyfield Foundation. Spread throughout the Center to network and connect.

Entertainment: Performance by Artemis Hunter
1:45 - 2:45 PM
Early Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Choose from a selection of breakout sessions and activities. Be sure to select your session when you register.

Medical Care and Access to Gender-Affirming Care: Room 106/107

Supporting Queer Youth: Room 112/113
Parents, youth of all ages, and young adults are encouraged to join and participate.

Self-Care | Sound Bath and Recentering: Room 114

LGBTQ+ Mental Health and Wellness: Room 326

All-Day Spaces (Registration Not Required):

HATCH / Hatched Out | A Space for HS Youth and Young Adults: Room 103/104

HIV/STI Testing: Room 110

Trans Legal Aid Clinic of Texas: Room 111

Sensory Sensitive and Relaxation: 2nd Floor Ikea Nest Room

Creative Expression: Room 327

Intersectional Connection | A Space for Black Queer Folx: Room 328

3:00 - 4:00 PM
Late Afternoon Breakout Sessions
Choose from a selection of breakout sessions and activities. Be sure to select your session when you register.

Community Care and Mutual Aid: Room 106/107

Immigration Rights and Policies: Room 112/113

Self-Care | Yoga Session 2: Room 114

All-Day Spaces (Registration Not Required):

HATCH / Hatched Out | A Space for HS Youth and Young Adults: Room 103/104

HIV/STI Testing: Room 110

Trans Legal Aid Clinic of Texas: Room 111

Sensory Sensitive and Relaxation: 2nd Floor Ikea Nest Room

Drop-In Support Group | Licensed Therapists Available: Room 326

Creative Expression | Making Zines and More: Room 327

Intersectional Connection | A Space for Black Queer Folx: Room 328

4:15 - 5:30 PM
Closing Plenary
Room 106/107

Come together as a community to reflect on the day. This session will be open for all voices to share their concerns, ideas for the future, and how we can work together to make our world a better place for the LGBTQ+ community.

Closing Plenary: Community Voices + Real Talk

Entertainment: Spoken Word Poetry from Blacqwildflowr

Countdown to the Summit
 Join Us on January 11 
Registration closes at 11:30PM on Friday, January 10. Limited day-of spots may be available Saturday, January 11 on a first-come, first-served basis.
the Montrose Center
401 Branard Street, Houston, TX, USA
Contact Us
Have questions about the event? Feel free to send us a message or email us at [email protected]

Processing Registration...