Tackling topics relevant to your HREC
Human Research Ethics Committee Members across Australia are invited to attend a FREE virtual Human Research Ethics Conference on 1, 2 & 3 December 2021. The purpose of the HREC Conference is to provide valuable, theme discussions on areas related to HREC members along with training sessions. Participation in the Conference will fulfil the annual training requirements for HREC members.
Keynote Speakers
9:30 AM (AEST)- Wednesday 1 december 2021
Professor Ian Kerridge
Professor of Bioethics and Medicine, Sydney Health Ethics, School of Public Health, and Northern Clinical School
Science at warp speed
9:30 AM (AEST)- thursday 2 december 2021
Professor Ian Freckelton AO QC
Editor, Journal of Law & Medicine; Barrister-at-Law, Castan Chambers, Melbourne
Human Challenge Trials
9:00 AM (AEST)- frday 3 december 2021
Professor Dianne Nicol
Professor of Law, University of Tasmania
Genomic data sharing
Don't miss out.
Register by 30 November 2021 . We look forward to seeing you there.
HREC Coordinator Session
1:00 PM (AEST)- Wednesday 1 december 2021
​​​​This session aims to provide an opportunity for HREC Coordinators / managers to network.

Within the session we will break into smaller groups for discussion to share ideas of how a national network of HREC Coordinators could benefit our practice.
register for the session
This session requires a separate registration. Click here to register.
Virtual Conference
We will be using the videoconferencing platform Zoom for this conference.  You can access the session online by using your preferred web browser, or you can download the Zoom application onto your computer or mobile device.

Zoom links will be emailed to participants 1 week prior to the meeting.
We give acknowledgment to the following sponsors:
News & Updates
Conference Program Out Now!
Posted November 2021
The full conference program and program booklet can be downloaded from today!

Click here for a copy of the program

Click here for a copy of the program booklet
HREC Coordinator Meeting
Posted November 2021
This year's conference will provide a chance for HREC Coordinators and Managers to network!  An exciting session has been included in this year's program for HREC Coordinators and Managers to discuss and share ideas of how a national network could benefit practice.

Click here to register.
Abstract Deadline Extended!
Posted SEPTEMBER 2021
The meeting organisers have extended the abstract deadline to 30 October 2021.

For further assistance and abstract submission please email [email protected].
Call for Speakers!
Posted JULY 2021
The meeting organisers would like to invite abstracts for speakers on the ethical themes listed in the program section.

Abstracts (no more than 300 words in length) should include:

* a title
* author(s)
* sentence stating the ethics topic of interest
* short abstract the topic of your talk

Successful talk abstracts will be used in the conference program.

For further assistance and abstract submission, by 30 September 2021, please email [email protected].
From the Inaugural National HREC Conference
"What an amazing conference and to do it all with Zoom, you are to be congratulated!"

"This was a fantastic conference and being completely online allowed for more to access and attend."

"I feel very fortunate that I was able to virtually attend the inaugural HREC Conference last year, and it was absolutely one of the most enjoyable, interesting, and useful conferences I have ever attended!"

"It was such a wonderful opportunity that was very much appreciated; relevant, interesting, and with a diversity of topics to suit many interests. It was also particularly well communicated and coordinated, which is no mean feat via remote methods. Thank you so much for the wonderful learning opportunity; I enjoyed it very much."

"It was a great experiment and, given I live in regional Qld. I would not have been able to attend had it not been an online event. I would encourage more of these formats."

"Great mix of topics with interesting presenters. I really enjoyed it - thank you for making it available to those interstate."

Processing Registration...