I Am Fortified by Fortitude
We are inviting women of all ages to join us in a day filled with Biblical truth, inspiration, and growth. The schedule will consist of dynamic speakers, testimonies, live worship, door prizes, delicious food, self defense demonstrations and more. We cannot wait to learn, worship, and celebrate with you.
 I Am Fortified by Fortitude 
 The Gathering @ Sioux Falls christian school chapel
 6101 South Charger Circle, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
September 7, 2024, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Fortitude is inviting women of ALL ages to attend; young girls ages 10-15 years old must be accompanied by guardian.
I AM Fortified will be a day filled with Biblical truth, inspiration, and growth.

We will be featuring six subject matter experts sharing truths behind the following topics:
Social Media Safety & Dangers
Healthy Boundaries & Self-Worth
Nutrition & Reproductive Education
Finances & Money Mangement
Addiction & Suicide

Outline of Agenda
8am | Registration, Light Refreshments, & Mingling
9am | Live Music & Welcome
9:15am - 11:15am | Speaker Sessions
11:15am | Door Prizes & Lunch
12:15pm - 1:30pm | Speaker Sessions
1:30pm | Raffle Drawings & Closing
2pm | Praise & Worship Concert
Heather Kittelson
Founder + CEO of fortitude 
Heather is a follower of Jesus Christ, wife to Amos, and a mother to Jacob, Brittany, Stella and Evie. Heather recently resigned from her 10+ year career as an Executive at a large non-profit. Stepping out in complete faith to be a mompreneur focusing on her 4 kiddos and her and Amos’s marriage, ministry and podcast, Fortitude. Heather is the founder of the ‘I AM Fortified' event, Fortitude podcast host, minister, and she is an inspiring regional speaker sharing her personal testimony of redemption every chance she is given.

With a vibrant and traumatic past - Heather found herself checking into New Life Treatment Center in Dec 2019. Every day since she has been on fire for Christ - growing, teaching & giving hope to everyone she meets.

Heather and Amos are on a mission to live out their God given purpose and passion - which is to educate and advocate for God's truth.

"We have to know better so we can all do better for ourselves, our families and future generations!"
Kendra Russell
special agent for sd division of criminal investigation
Hello! I’m Kendra Russell, a jack of all trades when it comes to everything from digital forensics to farm fields! Let's embark on a whirlwind tour through my life’s adventures.
Raised on a family farm near Avon, SD, I kicked off my academic journey in the Avon School District. From there, I attended Lake Area Technical Institute in Watertown, SD, for Environmental Technology. My love for the environment took me further to South Dakota State University, earning a B.S. in Environmental Management, and eventually to the University of Iowa for a M.S. in Occupational & Environmental Health. Yep, I’m pretty serious about keeping our world safe and sound!
But wait, there’s a plot twist! In 2017, I switched gears dramatically, embarking on a thrilling adventure as a Special Agent and Digital Evidence Examiner with the South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation based out of Mitchell, SD. Here, I’ve performed forensic analysis on hundreds of devices, from cell phones to cars to IoT gadgets, ensuring justice through digital means. I’m also a member of the South Dakota Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and promote the importance of Internet safety far and wide. 
In 2019, I married my best friend, Devon Russell, who is an Instructor at Mitchell Technical College. A short year later we had our son, Liam. We are a tight team who enjoy family, friends, music, and the outdoors. We are and continue to be blessed in so many ways! God is good, all the time. Period. Exclamation point.
So that’s me — Kendra Russell, a blend of country charm and tech savvy, always ready to explore new horizons and solve puzzles, be they in the soil or cyberspace!
Lauren Skattum
owner + ceo of britt haus
With more than a decade of experience serving women in hospital and group practice settings, Dr. Skattum is thrilled to be a gynecologist in Sioux Falls. She is passionate about empowering women to prioritize their health and wellness, and she has a particular interest in providing care for women following their childbearing years. Dr. Skattum believes women are the center of their homes and their communities.  Although women have a tendency to focus on others, it is when they are healthy and thriving that this positivity radiates to everyone around them. With an emphasis on hormones, metabolism, and lifestyle changes, Dr. Skattum provides a warm and welcoming environment where the nuances of your individual health and wellness needs are met.
Dr. Skattum was born and raised in Alabama and attended the University of Alabama where she graduated Magna Cum Laude with a degree in Biochemistry in 2006. She attended medical school at the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine before completing her residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology at Mercy St. Vincent Medical Center in Toledo, OH. In 2014, Dr. Lauren served as chief resident and held leadership positions at the American College of Osteopathic Obstetrics and Gynecology. When her residency was complete, she moved to Leesburg, FL where she practiced in a private group for eight years and served as both the Vice Chair and Department Chair of Maternal Child Health.
Sarah Kurtenbach
founder + ceo of
'moveher money'

Sarah Kurtenbach has over 13 years of experience working in technology, social media and influencer marketing.

Her current business venture is building moveHER Money - an online educational program to equip Gen Z girls with financial intelligence. Sarah is passionate about seeing young women rise up in the area of leadership and money management as they engage with truth in a refreshing way!

After being a VP of a Fortune 500 Media Company in Atlanta and NYC, Sarah moved back home to South Dakota to marry the love of her life (Chad) and start a consulting practice. They have a son, Pierce and a daughter, Ava. If there's one thing you can find in her house it's either coffee or dance parties!
Birea Giro
Grace Stoschein
Krysta Winter
Breakthrough Christian Counseling
Madison Miller
tre Ministries
Our event will welcome you with praise and worship music throughout the day.
Please meet our talented musician.
Allesia Kolles
Allesia is currently serving over 250 students as a K-12 Music and Choir teacher at a small school district in Minnesota. In March of 2020 her life completely changed when she and her husband, Austin were called to move from a suburb of the twin cities to rural SW Minnesota for ministry. Allesia began her music journey as the Worship Leader of New Creation Community Church and now has a heart to raise up young musicians into ministers of the Lord.

Allesia is also the founder of Arise and Shine Ministries providing discipleship, wellness coaching, and retreats. It is Allesia and Austin’s mission and mandate to begin hosting corporate evenings of encounter through communion, prayer and worship on their farm that they are currently remodeling.

In her spare time Allesia enjoys gardening, worshiping, digging into the word and beating Austin in games of pickle ball and cribbage.
Zach Saltmarsh
Zach Saltmarsh is a local worship leader, songwriter, and producer who’s passion has been the voice and expression of the local church. Zach has given himself to helping develop young artists and worship leaders to help them find their sound. 
Zach has been blessed to share the stage with bands and artists such as The Band Table, Cliff Preston, Jordan Merritt, Stars Go Dim, Natalie Layne, and more.
Elizabeth Enalls
Elizabeth Enalls is a local worship leader born and raised in Sioux Falls, SD. Her worship ministry began at the age of 12 and has continued throughout adulthood. She received her degree in Biblical Studies and Music Ministry at the University of Sioux Falls in 2019. Since that time she has continued to lead congregations in worship all over the nation. The heart of her ministry is that every believer would truly understands the purpose of worship and how it is to be a lifestyle. Her leadership style includes teaching the aspects of Christian life and worship during a worship set so that God’s precepts become hands on and applicable to every moment and practicable at home.
about fortitude 
Fortitude was founded and created by Amos & Heather Kittelson in October 2022.
In 2019 Heather found herself in the deepest battle she had ever experienced and almost took her life due to postpartum depression and alcoholism. After years of healing, obedience in Christ and restoration; Heather is on fire for breaking the sigma of addiction and mental health. She shares her story of redemption every chance she gets - all around the world!
In October of 2022 Fortitude Podcast was launched spotlighting individual stories of overcoming adversity and pain with Fortitude and Christ…one story at a time.
It is possible to find hope through the darkest of times because when you experience pain and adversity with Fortitude - that's where healing begins.

our Corporate Ministry Partners
our Individual Ministry Partners
raffle prize Partners

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