IT STARTS AT HOME. In 2019 we launched a workshop for parents and educators on
"How to Talk to Kids About Race in America." The success of that workshop was interrupted by a global pandemic this year. If you're interested in learning more about our workshop, please sign up for updates. Interested in our virtual workshop produced for your group, business, organization or institution? Please send us an email request.
WE BELIEVE we all were born into a society still struggling with inherited 20th century segregationist policies and practices passed down to us. Unfortunately, our schools did not prepare us well to teach our kids about race in America. And schools today lack the culturally competent curriculum needed to prepare and equip future generations of confident knowledgeable empathetic societal change agents.
IT'S UP TO US AS PARENTS, FAMILY, FRIENDS AND EDUCATORS to determine what kind of society we will pass on to future generations. We must prepare children at home to understand and discern what they see and how they contribute to society each day. Like the adults around them, children also have to decipher protests, riots, police violence, systemic poverty and a host of societal ills that penetrate even the most protected environments sheltering privileged children from the real world.
OUR BELIEF is that we can start the process of building an Inclusive America through a foundation of common knowledge and understanding. Our workshop is an effort to establish a common ground of knowledge and understanding upon which we can learn from each other, teach our children, and together build an Inclusive America for future generations to inherit.