It's Time Alberta: Open up Alberta Rally
Join us on April 12
The Alberta Government has continuously moved the pandemic goal posts over the last year. The Kenney govt has ignored emergency management and medical advice that could've saved jobs, the economy, and lives. They are now attempting to impose a third lockdown and have changed our reopening steps to be based on vaccinations rather than ICU and hospitalization rates. This is unacceptable and unachievable. Small businesses are on their knees, addictions are rising, and mental health issues are sky rocketing.

It's time for Albertans to unite and demand a new direction for our province. We need to once again become a beacon of hope, opportunity, and freedom. We stand with restaurant owners, the fitness industry, all small businesses, and those fighting for religious freedom.

    • It's time to step up, act morally in the best interests of your communities and get Alberta on a different path to opening up while protecting our vulnerable

    • It's time to let our children be children, free of the fear and anxiety that media and government have been pushing

    • It's time to celebrate our healthcare system and the fact that its robust and flexible enough to handle the challenges that our communities are facing

    • It's time to justify and academically debate the science and data the government is using to guide its decision-making process

    • It's time to instill hope and end the fear

    • It's time accept empirical data from around the world that demonstrates we can live safely with COVID

    • It's time to acknowledge that there is no intended end to the endless cycle of restrictions/lockdowns/circuit breakers, etc. The governments own slide from the Apr 6 press conference shows that we will need 72% of the population to be vaccinated before a full opening can happen. That is essentially every adult in the entire province. This isn't possible, practical or realistic.  

    • It's time to be the elected officials we voted for

    • It's time to build bridges and relationships, not to encourage division.  We don't want NDP style politics
    • It's time a Conservative leader understands he/she is elected, not appointed. We will get a leader that fits this description one way or another

    • It's time our elected MLA's hold leadership accountable.  We still live in a democracy don't we?

Please join us on Monday, April 12th at 12pm on the steps of the Legislature to demand that our MLA's and government fully open Alberta and protect the vulnerable.
Edmonton Legislature Grounds
10800 97 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T5K 2B6
Date & Time
April 12, 2021, 12:00 PM
Join us on April 12
Stand united for Alberta!

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