The Most Amazing Tricks for Developing Arguments – Guide 2022
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A wise man once said, “A man is known by the arguments he makes.” The man who said this is not famous so I will not bother you with his identity. But the point he made should not be ignored. Arguments are the rationale you develop to prove a stance. In our day-to-day routine, we often find ourselves arguing with our fellows, friends, and family members. Both sides present arguments, however, no one gets the other's point and the debate ends inconclusively. Ever wonder why? Most of the time when we indulge in some sort of debate and make our arguments, we use fallacies and consider them as arguments.
Believe it or not, arguments are an important part of our lives. Most significantly, as students, we get to write a lot of essays and papers in which we have to use arguments to prove our point. An argumentative essay is the most common type of essay that students have to write throughout their academic journey. There are a lot of ways to learn the art of argumentation. If you do not understand the methods of developing strong arguments, this is the right place for you. You can always ask an essay writer to write an essay for me.
There are many ways of making arguments in your argumentative essay. Let's start with the easiest one. First of all, you should have a thorough understanding of the topic. You should have sound background knowledge of the issue upon which the topic is based. Make sure that you cover all significant events and aspects of the topic.
If you already have that background knowledge or you have followed my advice, we are ready to move forward. The next important prerequisite for argumentation is that you should take a stance. A stance is also called the thesis statement. When I write my essay, especially an argumentative essay, the first thing I do is develop a thesis statement.
The conclusion you draw after a series of premises and considering the evidence should support the topic sentence that you provided at the start of your paragraph. It is often observed that students draw conclusions that are not in line with the topic sentences. This situation can be avoided when you are outlining your essay. It is at the stage when you are constructing the outline that you need to make sure that the arguments do not contradict your main stance. Your essay should be coherent and easy to understand. 
Once the thesis statement has been written, you can develop your arguments in favor of your stance. It is vital to understand that an argumentative essay has three main parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. Argumentation takes place in the body and the introduction and conclusion do not present any argument. The body, however, has several paragraphs, called body paragraphs, and each paragraph represents one argument. As an essay writer, you should be aware of how to use technicalities in writing my essay for my assignment. It is observed that many students try to present new arguments in the introduction or conclusion. This should be avoided.
Certain important things need to be taken care of when developing a paragraph or an argument in an essay. Firstly, the number of premises is not confined to two. To put it in a simple way, you can use more than two premises in a single paragraph to develop your argument. However, it should be noted that three strong premises are enough, otherwise, the length of the paragraph will increase, which is not a good practice as it makes it difficult for the reader to follow it.  Secondly, use credible sources. Many students rely on Wikipedia and other sites to find evidence. Such evidence is disregarded by the teachers or the readers and the arguments are considered weak. Thirdly, make sure you draw a valid conclusion based on the evidence.
A body paragraph should have four essential parts. Firstly, it should start with a topic sentence. A topic sentence is a claim that you are going to address in that specific paragraph to support your main thesis. Secondly, present your premise one. A premise is a statement that works to draw a certain conclusion. Following premise one, you should provide some evidence. Finding evidence to support your premise might be a difficult task for you. In this case, you can take help from a professional essay writing service; they can help you find suitable evidence. Thirdly, provide premise two in the paragraph along with the supportive evidence regarding the premise. Fourthly, draw a conclusion based on those two premises.
Long story short, rational argumentation is an important skill that every student needs to learn to ease their academic burden and secure good grades. It helps students develop critical thinking skills. Students often get to write argumentative essays in their academic journey. Students should have a good understanding of the issue. Similarly, students should develop an appropriate thesis statement before starting to write their arguments. Furthermore, the most appropriate convention is to start with the topic sentence and then provide the first premise. Make sure that the evidence you use against each premise is credible and up to date. You can provide two or three premises along with the evidence and then finally, draw a conclusion. You can use this procedure to develop and provide strong arguments for your essay.

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