Tyler Perry's latest legal thriller, "Mea Culpa," premieres February 23rd on Netflix. It follows ambitious defense attorney Mea Harper (Kelly Rowland) who takes on the seemingly straightforward case of artist Zyair Malloy (Trevante Rhodes), accused of murdering his girlfriend. As Mea delves deeper, the truth proves elusive, and she grapples with questions of guilt, desire, and the hidden secrets everyone harbors. Prepare for a steamy and suspenseful journey where the line between right and wrong blurs, and Mea faces a dangerous choice that could impact her career and life forever.
Join Media Personality Nekia Nichelle's Exclusive VIP Movie Screening and secure your spot on the N List! You'll get the chance to attend an exclusive advanced movie screening of Tyler Perry's "Mea Culpa," starring Kelly Rowland & Trevante Rhodes.
By being on the N List, you'll receive the Ultimate VIP Experience, priority check-in, a meet & greet opportunity with Nekia Nichelle, and an exclusive Nekia Nichelle/ Just N Life swag bag.
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, February 20, and head to AMC River East at 322 E. Illinois St. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to hang out with Nekia Nichelle and enjoy the amazing film by Tyler Perry.
Please note: Arrive by 6:30pm to claim your reserved seat. After 6:30pm reserved seating will be released to general admission guests.
The film will begin promptly at 7:00pm and there are no trailers.
AMC River East 322 E Illinois St, Chicago, IL 60611, United States
Please note: Arrive by 6:30pm to claim your reserved seat. After 6:30pm reserved seating will be released to general admission guests. The film will begin promptly at 7:00pm and there are no trailers.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I bring A GUEST?
No. Please limit to one free movie pass.
open to the public?
Yes! However, it's limited to the initial 15 sign-ups on The N' List. If you're already a member, watch for advance event notifications via email.
what is the n' list?
The N List is a VIP roster reserved for members of the N'Crowd, the community of Justnlife.com readers and fans of Nekia Nichelle. By signing up on the N List, N'Crowd members enjoy exclusive access to events and unique experiences.
If you're a FILM lover, you'd be crazy to miss this.