Registration Now Closed
Did you miss the registration window for
Foundations of Science?
Join us in the Fall of 2024!
Fill out our interest form below to be notified
when registration opens for the next phase of
Kids on Mission!
What is Kids on Mission?
This club is created to help kids like you to have a fun and engaging way of learning scientific principles and to see how science and Scripture support each other.  We are helping you know that Jesus Christ created science, and He also created you and loves you.  Jesus wants to heal what has been broken because of sin, and He wants you to join Him in spreading His truth and love with others.
Join the Mission
What's Kids on Mission all about?

Start with this video to see!
Who can join?
Kids on Mission is designed for anyone Kindergarten – 6th grade.
Choose the track designed just for you! (K-3rd grade or 4th-6th grade)
How do I access challenges?
Once registration and payment are confirmed, you will be sent an email with login information for Google Classroom and Seesaw – the two platforms we utilize for the program. You will need to have a Gmail account to access the platforms.
After confirmation of membership, you will be mailed a Kids on Mission: Mission Pack with more materials and tips to complete your first mission!
Each challenge is a 6-week course with weekly activities you will complete to finish each challenge.  Each week's activities will take about 1-2 hours to complete. 
What will we do?
Learn Science. Love Jesus.  You will have a series of scientific challenges or “missions”.  Each mission is 6-week online course that will give you weekly activities, questions, and/or experiments to help you master that challenge.  When you complete each mission, you will earn that Mission Patch.  

Using our online platforms of Google Classroom & SeeSaw, participants will learn about science, complete experiments, and document and analyze your findings.  All that we do will be framed in a Biblical creation science worldview, which means that we will look for evidence of design and recent creation in all that we see in the world around us and train participants to think like a creationist.  Each challenge connects to a field of science and will focus on a founder of science, scientific principles, and evidences of the amazing design of our Creator, Jesus Christ.
Why join?
You get to learn all kinds of fun science, answer some tough questions, and learn more about our Creator and Savior Jesus Christ.  You will also learn tips on how to share this information with others!
How much does it cost?
For just $25 (plus $10 shipping)you can join the club and receive your Mission Pack! This pack includes some scientific essentials and access to your first mission: “Foundations of Science”.

Do you have brothers and sisters? They can also join for just $20 per child!

Once you complete the first challenge, we have an exciting series of additional challenges to complete, each with their own completion patch. Each additional challenge is $25 for the first child (plus $10 shipping), and $20 each additional child.
Are there any other ways to earn patches?
Join us at our in-person events to earn our event patch! AND – join us on our Parks Across America tours to collect our Limited Edition National Parks Patches!
Sign up today!
We can't wait for you to join the mission!
Join Miss Emmy
Your missions will be led by Miss Emmy, ICR's own Children's Education Specialist.  
Get ready for fun, adventure, and learning all kinds of amazing science as she guides and helps you through your missions.  
Miss Emmy
Children's Education Specialist
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a discount membership if I have more than one child? 
Yes – The cost is $25 (plus a flat-rate of $10 shipping included in the cost for the first child's registration) for your first member, and $20 for each additional child after that.

Is there a recommended supply list? 
Yes – the supply list is sent in the Kids on Mission: Mission Pack. Any additional recommended resources will be sent in the welcome email sent with each challenge registration.

Is this an accredited program?
No – ICR has created this program to be a fun and engaging way of learning basic science and Biblical truths. While it is not a complete scientific curriculum in itself, it can be a great supplement to any other science program you are completing.

Can my class join?

Yes – contact ICR Children's Education Specialist, Emily Steele ([email protected]) to register a full class and order a class set of Mission Packs.

Can we do this in our co-op?

Due to the flexible and varied natures of Homeschool co-ops, we do not offer a specific co-op rate or sign-up. ICR recommends each family sign-up for the program themselves, and then coordinate doing it with friends as they desire.

Is there a payment plan? 
No – ICR has tried to keep this as cost effective as possible and divided the individual challenges to help make the costs manageable for families. Once you are a member, complete challenges are you are ready and able to do so.

Can I get a refund? 
No – the Kids on Mission membership lasts until the child has completed all missions or completed the 6th grade (whichever comes first). Membership is non-refundable.

Why do I have to pay for shipping?

Including shipping in the costs helps ICR keep the membership and challenge dues reasonable for you, accessible to others, as well as adjust for changes in postage over time.
Still have questions? Contact Us
Fill out the form, and we will be answer your questions as soon as possible. Thank you!

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