Meet the Field
Grab a cup of coffee and join us (virtually) for a conversation with Ingraw and Mirna, students at Payap University in Thailand. 

Both women serve Bibleless communities in restricted-access regions of Southeast Asia.

You will be inspired by their passion, and we hope you are encouraged by the progress made at Payap University.

This online event will take place on June 13 at 7 pm MDT.

We look forward to seeing you there!
About the speakers
Hear from Southeast Asian scholarship students who are passionate about Bible translation and minority language groups.
 “My parents come from Kinsha* but I grew up in Thailand. I'm a member of Wycliffe Thailand, and want to be a missionary in a neighboring restricted access country.

I've worked in a literacy project for two years for a minority people group before I attended the MA program at Payap. . .

The Linguistics program at Payap University is part of my long-term ministry goal to serve minority people groups who are still without the Bible in their language. I also want to mobilize other Thai people to be missionaries!”
“I'm originally from Jakarta, Indonesia, but have been in Chiang Mai around eight years now. I have been part of the EthnoArts team, mostly helping with facilitation in training and workshops around the region. One of my main interests is Arts and Trauma Healing. . .

Through my studies at Payap, I am interested to better understand how to [...] develop trauma-informed programs within the scope of language projects and Bible translation work in the region.”
Join us on June 13
We look forward to seeing you!

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