Movie Friends: Live Podcast Recording
Join us on September 21!
Come join Michelle & Seth of the Movie Friends podcast for a free, fun and interactive event! We will be discussing Space Jam from 1996, and if you love the movie or hate it, this event is for you!

We will *not* be watching the movie first, so be sure to check it out before coming!

Movie Friends is a film podcast for film lovers of all experience levels. Throughout the night there will be give-aways, crowd participation and maybe even a musical number or two. The event will be recorded for our show and YOU might even end up being on it! Unless you don't want to be! I mean, like, that wouldn't be cool of us.

Registration is strongly recommended but not necessary. Don't keep us in suspense!
This event is made possible by a sponsorship from the Stony Brook University Podcast Incubator.
Stony Brook University Southampton Campus
39 Tuckahoe Rd, Southampton, NY 11968
Date & Time
September 21, 2024, 6:00 PM

Processing Registration...