North American Netrunner Players Circut - San Francisco
July 20, 2024, 1:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Heretic Games 442 San Mateo Avenue, San Bruno, CA, USA
Welcome to the San Francisco NANPC Tournament! For more information about the Player's Circuit and its tournaments, visit

This will be a one day event, 6 rounds of single-sided swiss.
If time permits, we will do a cut to top 4 for single-elimination rounds.

There will be plenty of prizes for everyone! In addition to a Null Signal Games 2024 H1 Circuit Opener kit, attendees will receive playsets of custom NANPC alt-arts of Fermenter, custom SF-only alt-arts of Tollbooth, and NANPC-branded dice. The top 4 will receive ultra-rare copies of holographic Tollbooth alt-arts!

The event is limited to 32 players. Sign up today!
Also, be sure to sign up on Always Be Running!

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