NCPI Interoperability Workshop
This practical workshop covers one of the identified enablers* for an effective national cyber-physical infrastructure ecosystem. It will explore and scope top-level recommendations and funding priorities for interoperability and data sharing.

10.00 Arrival and refreshments
10.30 NCPI programme introduction/perspectives
11.00 Workshop session 1 (technology themed tables)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Workshop session 2 (mixed tables)
15:00 Panel discussion to discuss outcomes and identify next steps
16:00 Networking
17:00 Event closes

The Interoperability Workshop is part of a series of events from the National Cyber-Physical Infrastructure (NCPI) ecosystem programme, bringing together different voices from industry and building opportunities for collaboration.

*These events have been built on themes and learnings from the Cyber-Physical Future Forum, together with the enablers identified by the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology in the NCPI report, and guidance from the Cyber-Physical Consultation Response.

What can we achieve?
By working together, we encourage shared learnings, best practices and creation of synergies towards joined-up cross-sector, cross-technology and cross-disciplinary innovation. We can set out how we design, build, develop and connect capabilities such as digital twins, spatial computing / metaverse and robotic / autonomous systems and develop common goals to address systemic challenges and opportunities with mutual benefits, meeting industry demands and creating better societal outcomes.

Connected Places Catapult, Urban Innovation Centre,
Date & Time
18 June 2024
10:00AM - 17:00PM
 Join us on 18 June
We look forward to hosting you!

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