You're Invited!
Join us for our official launch party..
We are hosting a private networking party to celebrate the official launch of Pillarstone Homes, and show off our newest home build valued at approx. $4.6 Million USD in Dallas, off Walnut Hill near the Tollway.
We are expecting some of the cities top realtors, builders, investors and high status individuals to be in attendance for this event. We hope to kick things off in alignment with our company mantra: "Building Relationships Through Building Homes", so it is our goal that regardless of whether or not you intend to do business or invest with us on our builds, you can hopefully meet and network with some awesome and successful individuals at our event.
The schedule for our Launch Party will go as follows:
7:30PM - Open Arrival & Mixer
9:00PM - Company Ownership - Welcome & Announcement
9:20PM - Gift/Prize Raffle
9:45PM - Intermission/Mixer (Half Time)
10:30PM - Pool Party
(For those planning on attending dressed up for then more professional half of the launch party, its recommended you bring a change of clothes with you to change for the pool party)
Things We Will Have For This Party:
-Valet Parking (Tips Encouraged)
-On Site Security
-Live DJ
-Charcuterie Board & Finger Food
-Open Bartender (Tips Encouraged)
-Complimentary Champagne
-Professional Media Team
To be respectful of our event plans, we kindly request everyone arrive prior to 9pm. Everyone is more than welcome to come and enjoy the pool as early as 8:00PM, so feel free to come dressed however you like. We are so excited to celebrate with everyone and launch our new business.
Bare in mind this event is strongly contingent on the weather to permit us to host, so be certain to look out for updates both via email and on our company instagram page: @PillarstoneHomes
We will also BRIEFLY discuss the opportunity for investment in home builds with high yield returns, and offer the ability to register for our investors meetings for more specific details and profit projections.
We cannot wait to see you all!