Voyageurs Portage 1824-2024
Surrey/Langley/Fort Langley
Bienvenue au portage culturel des trois villes!
Welcome to the cultural portage of three cities!

Join us to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Voyageurs of the North West Company and the Hudson Bay Company who disembarked on December 13, 1824 close to the Nicomekl River with a performance of the arrival of the Voyageurs at Stewart Farm in Surrey.

Venez commémorer avec nous le 200ème anniversaire des Voyageurs de la Compagnie du Nord-Ouest et de la Baie d'Hudson débarqués le 13 décembre 1824 près de la rivière Nicomekl avec une performance de l'arrivée des Voyageurs à la Maison Stewart de Surrey.

13723 Crescent Rd, Surrey,
Date & Time
December 13, 2024, 11:00 - 15:00
This winter event starts at 10:00am on December 13 with an art workshop & the anticipation of the Arrival of the Voyageurs and some bon portage greetings, people dress as Voyageur paddlers to witness a ceremony with The Clerks & the Voyageurs. We are hoping for the venue of special guests from eastern Canada & Seattle, many story of the Mc Millan expedition in 1824 and local legends of the time. At 14:00-15:00 at Stewart Hall, a Salmon BBQ meal is served from a great First Nation caterer from Vancouver. 40 guests will be entertain by some Voyageurs stories, songs, poetry and local legends. This will be our first day of the Voyageurs Portage 1824-2024!  

Stewart Farm is located on the Nicomekl at 13723 Crescent Rd, Surrey.

Parking for about 100 people. There is an overflow parking lot pass the site on your right. A wonderful path will bring you to the historic site.

Voyageurs Portage 1824-2024
Conference at Langley  
Re-enactments in three cities 

The artists: Voyageurs & Cie: Réjean Bussières & Joanne Estelle Plourde, Bruce Walther, Hélène Moreault, Yvette Michelin, Maude Fillion,
Michael Viens
& the Voyageurs singers!

The historians: Michel Bouchard,
Keith Thor Carlson, Yvette Michelin,
Nile Thompson & Robert Foxcurran
Guest: Norris Petit
Maurice Guibord.

The hosts: Sandra Reams, Kwantlen & Semiahmoo Nations, the three cities.

The canoes: Voyageurs Adventures, Fort Langley Canoe Club.

The societies: Living Arts Society, Société francophone de Maillardville, Société historique francophone de la C.-B., Langley Heritage Society, Conseil culturel et artistique de la C.-B.

The costumes of Voyageurs & Cie & Voyageurs participants by
Joanne Estelle Plourde

The painted paddles: Bruce, Janis & Joanne

Schedule: December 14, 2024


Zoom conference from the Michaud House
Registration: [email protected]

La conférence de l'expédition de 1824 et des Voyageurs
14 décembre 

Voyageurs Portage 1824-2024
December 14

Timms Centre, Langley
20399 Douglas Crescent
December 14
Light refreshment


[email protected]

Portage Park free activities 
Activités à Portage Park
14 décembre

Art, Musique, & ateliers d'art  & histoire de l'expédition 1824

Conférence avec Yvette et démo de gigue Maude Filion. Ce projet est réalisé grâce à l'appui financier du gouvernement du Québec, en vertu des programmes de soutien en matière de francophonie canadienne.

Costumes 1824 sur tous les sites historiques

19th century master classes with Yvette Michelin & Maude Fillion and expert jigging demo.
From Quebec City.

This project has been possible with the financial support of the government of Quebec through its program to promote the French language in Canada.

Voyageurs costumes on all the sites

First Nations, Métis, Hawaiians

Drumming session jam


Secrétaires & Voyageurs storytelling
Clerks & Voyageurs


Voyageurs & Cie show


Parade was cancelled because of the wind storm

Conference Expedition 1824
Timms Community Centre
20399 Douglas crescent, Langley
December 14

5 Speakers tell their stories about the expedition of 1824.
Robert Foxcurran, Michel Bouchard, Keith Thor Carlson, Yvette Michelin, Nile thompson, Norris Petit.
Directed by Maurice Guibord!


Tickets now on Eventbrite
$20. Eventbrite or at the door
Cash only.

Doors open at 14:30

Light refreshments

Billets/tickets for the conference:

Porte ouvre à 14:30

December 14 at Langley
Timms Centre
Multipurpose Room 2
Tickets here or at the door.

6 Conference speakers will join on a Zoom conference from the Michaud House at 10:00am at Timms Centre at 14:30.

Nile Thompson

A native of Washington State, Nile Thompson has a Ph. D. in Linguistics from the University of Washington. His academic interests include lexicography, phonology, oral literature, cognitive anthropology and the Salish languages. Since 1973 he has been involved in recording and preserving the indigenous languages and knowledge of various of traditional cultures of the Pacific Northwest and Western Canada. He has long-time affiliations with the Skokomish Tribe of Hood Canal and the Steilacoom Tribe of southern Puget Sound. An author of over forty publications and research reports, he has taught Anthropology at a number of western Washington colleges.
Dr. Thompson’s connections to Salish languages began in 1972 when he took a class on Puget Sound Salish (now generally called Lushootseed). In 2007 collaborated on ‘An atlas of indigenous Seattle’, which appeared in Native Seattle: Histories from the Crossing-Over Place. His main research focus has been on the Twana language of Hood Canal, the watershed just west of Puget Sound. He began learning Twana in 1975, conducting field work with the last remaining fluent speaker until her death in 1979. Over the years he has worked with the Skokomish Tribe on a number of projects, including documenting place names.
Nile Thompson found the Annance’s journal of the expedition of 1824 in the Winnipeg archives. He published it almost immediately with Cowlitz Historical Quarterly in 1991. 
Robert Foxcurran

Published articles and books on research exploring the last four centuries of various transatlantic alliance networks, including business practices as well as demographic shifts within trans-national alliance systems
Degrees from the University of Washington: undergraduate in Japanese and French Studies, with M.B.A. in Business History & Economics.
Retired from Boeing

“It is easy to forget that it takes a lot more than a treaty signed in a given year – 1846 - to make a boundary. A straight line of partition drawn across an enormous expanse of territory by representatives of two empires half a world away, takes decades of adjustments and dislocation among residents on the ground. This HBC Expedition from Fort George located in the territory of the Chinook people at the mouth the Columbia River northward through the lands of various coastal Salish peoples to the lower Fraser River, made 1824 an important year in a process that took the greater part of the 19th century to accomplish.”

After the Zoom conference at Michaud House and art workshops  & re-enactment activities at Portage Park from 10:00-14:00 will walk together to the conference at Timms Centre at City Hall which is five blocks away. The Living Arts Society has invited a brochette of guest historians coming from the four directions. The original concept brought by its president  the artist Joanne Estelle Plourde of Voyageurs & Cie since 2017 after finding the monument The Portage in the park at Langley is to really shed a light on this expedition still unknown in the lower mainland to this day.
 Keith Thor Carlson

Keith Carlson is a professor of history at the University of the Fraser Valley whose research focusses on the Coast Salish people of Washington and BC. He has been working especially closely with the Stó:lō community since 1992.

His interests include Indigenous history, Indigenous historical consciousness, and the history of settler colonialism — especially in western Canada and northwestern USA. The approach he takes is to invert the classic scholarly gaze and to forefront the perspective of Indigenous partners.

“So what intrigues me most is not the history of Indigenous people in Canadian or American history, but the history of Canadian and American society within Indigenous histories,” offers Carlson.

His focus is on the history of the Coast Salish of British Columbia and Washington and has worked extensively with Hukbalahap veterans in the Philippines.

“In December of 1824, however, clerks working under James McMillan, scout for a site for the future Fort Langley, recorded information indicating that the Kwantlen had already firmly established themselves in a series of winter villages stretching over thirty kilometres upriver from New Westminster."

Yvette Michelin
Yvette Michelin is an Arrow finger weaver (flécherande), researcher, author and publisher who has been actively implicated in the field of living heritage for over 50 years.
Her first awareness with fléché occurred when she was a teenager. To participate in Québec City’s first Winter Carnaval in 1954, she bought a colorful commercial sash which symbolized, to her mind, French Canadian “joie de vivre”. Arrived home, her mother quickly informed her that an authentic arrow sash (fléché) is always finger woven and that she herself had learned the technique in 1910 with the Ursuline ladies in Old Québec and St-Michel de Bellechasse. Ever since, Yvette promotes the fléché weave through research, teaching, publishing, and talks here and abroad: in Tokyo for example in 2000. Her ultimate goal is to keep the unique fléché weave alive and well.
Yvette will give a master workshop at Surrey on December 13 at Stewart Hall and a conference in Langley on December 14.
Thanks to the Government of Quebec for their generous contribution to bring two experts in the bicentennial 1824-2024.
The McMillan Expedition of 1824 was composed of nine different Nations and French was the lingua franca on board.

L'expédittion McMillan était composée de neuf nations différentes et le français était la langue principale à bord.

Joanne Estelle Plourde

Michel Bouchard

Born and raised in a French-speaking community in Northern Alberta in the shadow of the historical fur economy, he has researched ethnicity and nationalism, particularly in Eastern Europe and Russia. He has studied the history of French-speaking populations in Western North America in the 18th and 19th centuries.
“Nation-building is not a question of remembering but rather remembering what to forget. In British Columbia, we have a Yellowhead Pass, a Yellowhead Lake, a Tête-Jaune Cache, Cache Creek, Bouchie Lake, Quesnel and countless other traces of this forgotten past, yet few know the significance of these names. They are all tied to the Fur Trade history of the New Caledonia District and the Columbia province of the Hudson’s Bay Company. To do justice to this forgotten history I shall recount the buried past to trace the contours of a French-speaking and Métis population that were pivotal in shaping the province in which we are now commemorating this bicentennial. Or, in the words of a fellow anthropologist and radio personality, I will shed light on some of the remarkable forgotten of our history, notably Jean-Baptiste Boucher and Pierre dit l’Iroquois dit Tête-Jaune.”
President of the conference
Maurice Guibord

Maurice Guibord is the Executive Director of the Société historique francophone de la Colombie-Britannique. He has been involved in history and heritage for over 40 years. His museum experience in the curatorial and programming areas in Calgary’s Glenbow Museum and the Burnaby Village Museum matches his involvement in heritage, cultural and museum organizations in Alberta and B.C. He is also a founding director of the Heritage Vancouver Society, and is a historical chronicler with Radio-Canada. He holds a Masters in History from Simon Fraser University. Originally from Ottawa, he has been a resident of the Lower Mainland since 1990.
Who's Coming
Historians, anthropologists, artists & linguists
First Nation gourmets, Voyageurs,
history buffs, students, costumers, volunteers, musicians & video makers.

Voyageurs Portage 1824-2024
On se voit là-bas!

Joyeux bicentenaire!!!

See you on the historic locations!

Happy bicentennial to everyone!!!
Voyageurs Portage 1824-2024
Ils sont venus à la rivière Fraser en C.-B. de Fort George(Astoria) en 1824.  Nous allons commémoré leur portage de trois jours. Ils étaient le premier groupe qui est apparu en bas de la Nicomekl et établiront le premier contact diplomatique et culturel avec les Stò:lõ.

They came from Fort George(Astoria) in 1824. We are going to commemorate them for 3 days! They were the first group to establish a
pacific , business and cultural contact with the Stò:lõ.
At Stewart Hall

A master class & an art workshop
Yvette Michelin & Maude Fillion
Hélène Moreault, Bruce Walther. Création du bracelet bicentenaire avec 10 participants(es)


Un repas/spectacle avec Voyageurs & Cie, musique & chansons, raconteurs & Saumon BBQ Premières Nations( Réservation avant le 21 novembre 2024)
[email protected]
 ou apporter un lunch.

A meal/show with Voyageurs & Cie, music & songs of the Voyageurs, storytelling and First Nation gourmet catering(reservation closed after November 21)[email protected].
Or bring your lunch!


Door for the show open at 13:30

Tickets Eventbrite or at the door for the show.
$20. Exact change.

Reservations: [email protected]

3 day outdoor-indoor event
Stewart Farm, Portage Park, Marina Park
Parking is limited at all locations. Let us know is you will be there to witness the arrival so we can plan forward this great cultural & sportive event.
A cultural portage event to remember  the passage of the Voyageurs of the fur trade era looking for a place to build the first fort on the Fraser River. They originally came from eastern Canada by canoe or boat, spoke many languages including French(Canadiens), Abenaki, Iroquois, Hawaiians, Scottish, Irish, Lushootseed and wrote journals in English.
Ateliers de fléché avec Yvette Michelin et Maude Filion. Ce projet est réalisé grâce à l'appui financier du gouvernement du Québec, en vertu des programmes de soutien en matière de francophonie canadienne.

Elles offrent une classe de maître afin de créer un bracelet fléché du bicentenaire. 10 personnes.

L'atelier est aussi donné en français le 10 décembre à la Société francophone de Maillardville.


[email protected]

Art workshops at Stewart Hall.

1. Yvette Michelin and Maude Fillion are offering a master class in traditional Arrow technic originating from Quebec in the end of 18th century creating a commemorative bicentennial bracelet. Bilingual.

$25. Eventbrite & $30. at the door.
Cash only. Argent comptant à la porte.

Reservations: 604-526-3272
[email protected]

This project has been made possible with the financial support of the Government of Quebec through its program to promote the Franch language.

2. A textile marbled art workshop with Hélène Moreault who came from Montréal to be a volunteer at the bicentennial. This workshop is a special gift to the public and will be offered on site starting at 10:00-12:30. French & English. Donations accepted.

Tickets here:

The Art workshops are at Stewart Hall, Stewart Farm. Surrey.

Les deux ateliers se passent au Stewart Hall, Ferme historique, Surrey.

Stewart Farm
Nicomekl River
13723 Crescent RoaD, BC.
Date & Time
December 13, 2024, 11:00 AM - 15:00 PM

The Paddle Event! 
Fort Langley
Join us on December 15!
Welcome to The Paddle Event!
Come join us for a day filled with fun and adventure at Fort Langley Marina Park. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie, this event is perfect for anyone who loves being out on the water if you are costume like a Voyageur in 1824! Wear a capot, red tuque, sash and mittens. Bring a decorated paddle and stroll down the village of Fort Langley then come to Marina Park where will have some commemorative activities. Music, storytelling and gourmet hot dogs! People who are dressed in 1824 could be eligible for a paddle stroke on the Bedford Channel. You just have to sign a waiver and behave like a singing Voyageurs!
Grab your paddles and get ready to explore the beautiful surroundings while making new friends along the way. With various activities planned throughout the day, there's something for everyone to enjoy.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to soak up the fresh air, get some exercise, and create lasting memories. Mark your calendars and get ready for an unforgettable day at The Paddle Event in Fort Langley!
You can get the chance to be in the 3 canoes from FLCC if you are costumed in 1824! Rendez-vous in the parking lot of Marina Park for costuming and getting ready for the paddle at 13:00!

Tickets on Eventbrite:
Surrey, Langley, Fort Langley
13723 Crescent Rd, Surrey,
Date & Time
December 13, 2024, 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Thanks you all!
We look forward to hosting you!

Processing Registration...