In just 1.5 hours you will discover how you CAN have a Joyful, Pain-Free Pregnancy & Rewarding Birth

Seats are limited, so get registered now!
Do you feel that being pregnant and giving birth needs to be hard and painful?

You hear everyone talk about how their bodies hurt, and the complications they are having, and it looks like suffering is part of the parenting package you signed up for.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

With the right tools, education and support, your pregnancy CAN be a joyful and easy experience…. Birth can even be orgasmic if you let it be…. seriously!

Joanne Fisher, the world’s leading BodyTalk Birth Keeper, and author of Easy Pregnancy, Easy Birth, Easy Baby, Your Guide to a pain-free pregnancy, blissful birth and an exceptional child guides you in a completely different approach to understanding pregnancy and birth. She specializes in prenatal healing, stress reduction and birth preparation for both you AND your womb-baby.

Join one of her live specially curated masterclasses:
• Heal Gestational Diabetes (without a special diet!)
• Sleeping Well While Pregnant (and prepare for nights with baby)
• Vaginal Birth After Caesarian Preparation
Heal Gestational Diabetes
May 15 or June 5th, 2024
Is Gestational Diabetes a concern?

Are you struggling to resolve or prevent it with diet alone?

This free webinar will introduce you to a different approach to getting to the root cause of the GD and options for resolving it and any other concerns you are facing FOR GOOD.

In this 90-minute class, we will dig into what GD is and how it is communication from your body of a bigger, deeper issue. We will look at what its common root causes are, and you will experience a BodyTalk therapy session to get the healing process started.

You will learn other great self-care tools to keep your pregnancy going smoothly.

Gestational diabetes CAN be resolved without changes to diet and exercise. It just requires listening to your body and supporting its innate ability to heal. Joanne can teach you how.
Google Meet
Date & Time
*May 15, 2024
6:00-7:30pm MST
*June 5, 2024
6:00-7:30pm MST

Healing is within you, learn how to tap into your potential

Seats are limited, so get registered now!
Sleep well when Pregnant
Join us on April 24 or May 29
Are you struggling to get a good night's sleep?

Calf cramps, sore hips and getting up to pee ALL NIGHT LONG?

Or is your brain racing? Filled with worry & Anxiety?

Whatever the root cause of your sleeplessness is, there are tools, techniques and tips to help you overcome them.

In this 90-minute free class, we look at how any pain or discomfort can be communication of something deeper.
We look at proven ways to optimize your sleep and get set up with good habits to make it easier to get quality sleep once baby arrives.

Joanne Fisher, is also a Certified Infant Sleep Educator, and will discuss the transition into parenthood, setting realistic expectations and what that means for your sleep.

You will experience a mini BodyTalk Therapy session and receive some great self-care tools. This is a workshop you won't want to miss.

Google Meet
Date & Time
**April 24, 2024, 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM MST
** May 29, 2024
6:00 - 7:30 PM
You CAN feel  and sleep great while pregnant.

Seats are limited, so get registered now!
VBAC Prep Masterclass
Join us on May 8 or June 12
Are preparing for or considering a Vaginal Birth After Caesarian (VBAC)?

Do you find yourself questioning if you can really do it this time?

Filled with worry, fear and anxiety about your upcoming birth?

You may have found your previous birth traumatic or disempowering, and you're not sure how to find your confidence and trust in yourself and birth.

Maybe baby was improperly positioned? Or it all began with an induction. Or you just took the elective but want to do it differently this time around.

Whatever your story is, this free class will help you to release the old stories, the new stories and limiting beliefs that could get in the way of you having the natural birth you now desire.

We look closely at where baby should be positioned and how to correct malpositioning.

You will EXPERIENCE BodyTalk therapy and its power to help you heal from your past pregnancy and prepare for this new birth and baby.

You will also receive some amazing self-care tools to help relieve the stress and emotions that are so common throughout pregnancy.

You don't have do this alone.

If you are preparing for a birth but haven't had a previous C-section you are still encouraged to attend.
Google Meet
Date & Time
*May 8, 2024, 6:00 PM MST
* June 12, 2023,
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM MST
 Know better,  so you can do better. Birth YOUR way.

Seats are limited, so get registered now!
Meet YOUR Pregnancy & Birth Guide
Joanne Fisher
Certified BodyTalk Practitioner
Holistic Birth Consultant/Doula
Certified Infant Sleep Educator
Pre/Post Natal, Fertility Yoga Teacher
Exercise Specialist - Bsc. Kinesiology, Minor Psychology
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (student)
Conscious Parenting Coach
and so much more

Joanne has been helping women through their pregnancies and births since 2011. 

The empowered pregnancy and birth of your dreams is already within you. Let Joanne help you to tap into it.

Joanne Fisher, Conscious Birth & Wellness
2120 St. George Avenue, Saskatoon SK. Canada

Virtual Prenatal Care & Birth Support worldwide.
Free Prenatal Stress Reduction Guide
Are you looking for a way to reduce your stress & feel better? A way to connect deeper within yourself and with your womb-baby?  This Free guide gives you the tools you need.  
Meet Your Guide
Joanne Fisher
People Love Conscious Birth

Where do I even start! Working with Joanne and her prenatal BodyTalk package was absolutely wonderful. Through BodyTalk, yoga, sleep education class, loads of information and hands on help during labor I felt prepared and informed throughout my pregnancy and the delivery of our son. Joanne worked with both myself and the baby throughout the pregnancy to make sure we were both safe and healthy and connected so when the time came for delivery we were working together! We have also had postpartum BodyTalk sessions that have helped me with my postpartum anxiety and depression and has helped our son be so content and happy and easy going! I seriously would highly recommend working with Joanne throughout your pregnancy, delivery and into postpartum. It truly helps you feel empowered and enjoy every step of the journey!

Rebecca Sorestad, Saskatoon SK

We hired Joanne for some BodyTalk sessions and as a doula to attend our free birth. She was very supportive and knowledgeable. I would definitely recommend her. Everything went very smoothly for us and it was very reassuring to have her around. She handled a lot of the post birth items for us so everything seemed very easy. Thank you Joanne!

Megan Thoreson, Clavet SK

I went into my 5th full term pregnancy in a very busy stressful time. I was homeschooling, just started a new business, homesteading- all while single parenting 75% of the time! Regular BodyTalk sessions were a must to help me manage the stress and anxiety. And I loved that BodyTalk communicated and addressed any issues that baby had too. I choose more a wild pregnancy with this one.. no doctors, no medical intervention at all (No tests, ultrasounds ect) so with BodyTalk I had full confidence that baby was happy and healthy. I had an undisturbed birth to a 9.5 pound very healthy happy boy. He is the happiest most content baby. Now at 7 months old he's trying to walk already! Thank you BodyTalk and Joanne for helping us. Give prenatal BodyTalk a try. You will love it!

Colleen Wainwright, Rural Alberta

I worked with Joanne through her prenatal package for my first pregnancy, and it was such an amazing experience. Not only did she help me work through some grief that came after losing my grandmother early on in my pregnancy but she helped me create a safe space for my baby to flourish. Joanne gave me so much information that helped me take control of my birth experience and prepare for a smooth transition into postpartum. My son is a content, healthy baby and we have a connection that I really believe was strengthened by our experience with Joanne and her prenatal/postpartum BodyTalk.

Kaye P. Saskatoon SK

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