Tuesday 10 September 
Oceania Room, Level 3, Te Papa, 55 Cable St, Wellington

6:00 pM

Welcome Function and Registration
Sponsored by Tonkin+Taylor
As we prepare for enlightening discussions, networking opportunities, and collaborative sessions, we invite you to join us alongside our sponsor, Tonkin+Taylor, and our exhibitor displays for an informal evening to relax and re-connect with colleagues and friends.
Wednesday 11 September  
Soundings Theatre, Level 2, Te Papa, 55 Cable St, Wellington

7:30 aM

Registration - Oceania Room Level 3
Registration will be available for those not able to have joined the welcome function.
8:30 aM
Mihi Whakatau
8:40 aM
MC Introduction 
Samantha Hayes 
8:45 aM
Kevin Hart, CEO, NZWEA 
8:50 aM
Ministerial Address - Hon Simeon Brown
Minister for Energy  
9:05 aM
Parliamentary Speaker - Hon Dr Megan Woods 
Opposition Spokesperson for Energy & Resources
9:20 aM
Parliamentary Speaker - Scott Willis 
Green Party Energy Spokesperson 
9:35 aM
International Keynote - Dr Lawrence E. Jones
Senior Vice President, Edison Electric Institute - Washington, USA

Latest trends in the international wind industry, covering global demand evolution, supply chains and government policies.
9:55 aM
International Keynote - Kane Thornton
CEO, Australia Clean Energy Council

Advancements and updates in the Australian wind energy market, covering both onshore and offshore wind energy.
10:15 aM
Morning Tea - Oceania Room Level 3
11:00 aM
Dr Marcos Pelenur

EECA's latest strategy to advance NZ's renewable energy sector and enhancing its social license to operate.
11:20 aM
Poppy Haynes & Gemma Couzens
Principal Policy Advisors, MBIE

As part of Electrify NZ, the Government has committed to delivering a regulatory regime for offshore renewable energy, to enable investment and deliver clean energy at scale. On the 26th of August, the Government made some key decisions on the design of an offshore renewable regulatory regime. This presentation will traverse these decisions and outline how the Offshore Renewable Energy framework will work.
11:40 aM
Panel Session - Energy Security and the role of Tiwai, Demand Response and Grid-Scale Energy Storage
Facilitator: Jonathan Young, Head of Industry and Government Engagement, Ara Ake

Panel discussion to traverse the energy security risks on today's grid, the capacity of the market to provide this security, what are the effects of the Tiwai deal, new demand response contracts and upcoming energy storage investments. How can wind energy play its part with this risk profile and what does the energy security risk look like in terms of future demand projections.

Panel Members
Mike Roan - CFO, Meridian Energy   
Tim Thompson 
- GM Wholesale, Mercury Energy
James Flannery 
- GM Strategy, Contact Energy
Chris Blenkiron 
- CEO, NZAS (Rio Tinto)
12:20 PM
Lunch - Oceania Room Level 3
1:00 PM
Welcome Back
Samantha Hayes - MC
1:05 PM
Katherine Moore
Head of Power Systems, Transpower

The abilities for the grid to integrate new wind connections while managing energy security in the real time market.
1:25 PM
Lesley Hopkins
Technical Fellow and Senior Technical Director, Beca

Planning for renewable energy in a changing regulatory environment.
1:45 PM
Peter Spencer
Country Manager, Parkwind

Case Study - With Norway resembling NZ's electricity landscape and dominance of hydro electricity, this presentation traverses how offshore wind development is progressing and outlines Norway's energy aspirations.
2:05 PM
Carlos Martin Rivals
Global CEO, BlueFloat Energy

Carlos will share his international insights on the offshore wind energy market, which countries are experiencing the largest growth, how other countries are responding, and how NZ can best prepare itself for its developments to meet its supply needs. 
2:25 PM
Andrew Kittle
Director, Head of Project & Infrastructure Finance, Westpac 

What is Project Finance & how does it differ to standard “corporate” lending, finance structures, including key elements of project financing for wind energy projects & PPA versus merchant grade investment.
2:45 PM
Sarah Price
Stakeholder and Communications Lead, AECOM

Driving positive engagement strategies and outcomes in a fast-moving environment. With stakeholder communications being critical to any successful project, this presentation explores the best practices deployed for meaningful engagement.
3:05 PM
Mike Dreaver
Director, Policy Shop

How can the wind energy sector work more effectively with Māori? This is an opportunity to frame our relationship with iwi, hapū and whānau to reflect a 21st century embodiment of Te Tiriti o Waitangi – the Treaty of Waitangi.
3:25 PM
Afternoon Tea - Oceania Room Level 3
3:55 PM
Anna Crameri
Offshore Wind Leader, RPS

This presentation provides important insights into the early development phase of offshore wind projects and the critical approaches that help to ensure the feasibility of these high-uncertainty high-risk projects. Anna will explore the role of education and upskilling in the sector and how a project fulfills its ecological baseline data requirements.
4:15 PM
Sean Sweeney
Country Manager, Australia, APEM Group 

Abilities and the limitations of current techniques, best practices and lessons learnt from over 100 sites globally. The use of lidar to provide more definitive flight heights of different seabird species and groups within & outside of offshore wind farm, is also traversed.
4:35 PM
Hillmarè Schulze
Owner & Chief Economist, BERL

2040 – What will shape our future economy, what will it mean for wind energy? What are the key forces that will shape our New Zealand economy, impact our future, ranging from technological advancements to climate impacts.
4:55 PM
Closing Remarks 
Samantha Hayes, MC
5:00 PM
Pre-Dinner Drinks and Canapés 

Amokura Gallery, Level 4, Te Papa, 55 Cable St, Wellington
6:30 PM
Gala Dinner
Sponsored by BlueFloat/Elemental Partnership

Amokura Gallery, Level 4, Te Papa, 55 Cable St, Wellington
Join us in partnership with our dinner sponsor, BlueFloat/Elemental Partners, for a formal dinner and networking opportunity with friends and colleagues. The dinner event will feature a 3-course menu with refreshments along with a thought-provoking entertainment speaker.
Thursday 12 September
Soundings Theatre, Level 2, Te Papa, 55 Cable St, Wellington
8:30 aM
Welcome Back & Day 2 Introduction 
Samantha Hayes, MC
8:40 aM
David Allen  
Partner, Buddle Findlay 

Key drivers for reform, the anticipated and potential changes that could be lobbied for, and what any new regimes may actually mean in practice to stimulate wind farm development and enabling repowering of existing wind farms.
9:00 aM
Mark Ashby  
Technical Director, SLR Consulting  

Fast Track Consenting - What are the lessons learned from the COVID fast track approvals process, and how can the process be adapted to ensure efficient and consenting outcomes, while supporting the wind energy social license to operate?
9:20 aM
Brent Meekan 
Business Director, Civil Infrastructure, Beca   

As New Zealand’s aspirations for greater wind power generation grow, preferred turbine sizes are increasing. While planning a windfarm to accommodate these larger structures is a challenge, delivery of the components to site is another issue. This paper outlines how and the heavy haulage industry will need to adapt and what turbine size constraints are there on developers.
9:40 aM
Meguru Nishiyama
Assistant Manager Overseas Energy Solution, Sumitomo Corporation

Case Study: Introduction of Japan’s onshore wind project demonstrating characteristics, and an introduction of the onshore wind farm project “Abukuma” in Japan.
10:00 aM
Morning Tea - Oceania Room Level 3
10:30 aM
Hayden MacKenzie
Investment Manager, NZTE

What are the Power-X opportunities in the NZ market that could be advanced from the development of more wind energy, and how do these opportunites increase demand growth.
10:50 aM
Gareth Emeny 
Operations Manager, Marais Laying NZ

Redefining Wind Farm Construction: The Role of Innovative Solutions in Sustainable Development, using the Harapaki wind farm case study that helped transform wind farm construction.
11:10 aM
Panel Session - Offshore Wind Energy: Think Big & Better in a Renewable Age
Facilitator: Brigid McArthur, Partner, GreenwoodRoche

In the 1970s, the Muldoon-led Third National Government faced an ailing economy and a series of crises in oil supply. When Bill Birch became Minister of Energy in 1978, he looked to the large petroleum reserves in Taranaki as a key tool to kickstart economic recovery and growth. The Think Big Projects were spawned, projects from which New Zealand still benefits today. Think Big had downsides though, and itself spawned 'Rogernomics', the effects of which we are also still feeling today.

Panel Members
Hon. Max Bradford - Director, Bradford & Associates
Kerry McDonald - Company director, chairman, advisor and economist
Phil O'Reilly - Partner, Iron Duke Partners
12:00 PM
Lunch - Oceania Room Level 3
12:45 pM
Welcome Back 
Samantha Hayes, MC
12:50 pM
Brad Rooney 
General Manager, ElectroNet

Grid Connection, the process, the challenges and the choices. A look at connections of the last decade, what’s changed, and options to enhance future outcomes.
1:05 pM
Nick Cozens 
Technical Director, Energy & Infrastructure, Beca

Flexibility provided by selected hydro schemes is complementary to other inflexible renewable energy options. This presentation aims to provide early-stage stimulants to encourage broader conversation – to reimagine the future.
1:25 pM
Daniela Hajkova 
Development Manager, Oceanex

What are the offshore wind opportunities in Western Australia and how will offshore wind solve WA’s energy needs? This presentation also explores the regulatory process in Australia from a developer's perspective.
1:45 pM
Tom Bakker  
Energy Advisor, Aurecon

In recent years Australia has seen a tidal wave of connection applications seeking to plug in renewables and storage into existing power networks. With this significant step up in connections requests there has been challenge for connection proponents in terms of costs and timeframes, and on the network side in terms of proponent preparedness and processes. This presentation will outline the key challenges and the potential solutions that have emerged to help both parties connect generation and storage most efficiently, to inform NZ proponents and networks of the pathways to efficiently connect high volumes of generation and storage into the future.
2:05 pM
Brian Moore
Principal Consultant, Jacobs

Economic outlook for wind farms in NZ with consideration of key factors in reaching a project’s final investment decision.
2:25 pM
Afternoon Tea - Oceania Room Level 3
2:55 pM
Neil Jacka 
CEO and Principal Engineer, Total Ground Engineering

While innovation in turbines, blades and towers has resulted in decreasing costs on a per kW basis, the same cannot be said for foundations. Research by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory has estimated that Balance of System (BOS) costs will increase to 44% of the overall capital cost of a wind power project by 2030. This presentation traverses the innovations and alternatives available.
3:15 pM
Emma McRae & Alex Gardiner
Landscape Architect's, Boffa Miskell

Understanding the cumulative visual effects of wind energy: Discussing visual impacts and draw on their experience addressing this matter in the established renewable energy landscapes of Wales and Scotland.
3:35 pM
Christina Dunker 
Skywave Analytics 

This presentation will compare currently available modelling and site assessment methods with advanced simulation tools such as the state-of-the-art meteorological simulation system PALM, which includes wind farm and meso-scale coupling features. PALM has been used in Europe for high-resolution onshore and offshore wind farm wake modelling. 
3:55 pM
Alan Brent
Professor of Sustainable Energy Systems, Victoria University 

An analysis of lifecycle carbon emissions, materials and energy implications of onshore and offshore wind farms in Aotearoa New Zealand.
4:15 pM
Closing Remarks 
Peter McCafferty, NZWEA Chair 
4:25 pM
Summit Closure
Samantha Hayes, MC

Processing Registration...