The Foundation provided over $125,000 in Raider Support, which included Transition Assistance Grants for 50 Marines and Sailors re-entering the civilian sector after serving our Nation. Grants help offset costs associated with educational and professional pursuits. The Foundation also funded events hosted by Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) that celebrated excellence within the Marine Raider community and promoted professional resiliency.
The Foundation provided over $21,000 in Family Resiliency Support, which included funding for 11 Raider families with a spouse or child undergoing treatment for an illness or injury and 4 events hosted by MARSOC that promoted family resiliency. Donor dollars also helped to send 4 Raider families to programs hosted by other benevolent organizations promoting personal and family resiliency.
The Foundation provided over $330,000 in Tragedy Assistance and Survivor Support. Tragedy Assistance included funding for medical treatments, rehabilitative equipment, and travel for 44 Marine Raiders recovering from injuries and battling illness. Survivor Support included hosting 44 Gold Star Families at the Foundation's Annual Resiliency and Remembrance Event, a multi-day event that strengthens bonds and celebrates heroes. Funding also supported travel for 17 Marine Raiders attending memorial services for Marine Raiders who were lost in non-combat/non-training related incidents.
The Foundation provided over $28,000 in Legacy Preservation Support, which included funding for three events that brought together World War II and modern-day Marine Raiders. Furthermore, the Foundation funded projects initiated by MARSOC and the Marine Raider Association that embrace and share the rich Marine Raider legacy dating back to World War II.