Thank you for joining us. The event is for states in Region One (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey). We also extend our invitation out to those living in Pennsylvania and those in the part of Canada close to New York.

As we plan this event, we have many goals in mind:

We want to teach those new to the disorder about the basics of DCC (disorders of the corpus callosum), so that they have some ground information to stand on.

We encourage whole families and extended families to come to make connections. We want those, both “new” and “old” to the DCC world to make connections, life long friends, gain resources and share life experiences.

This year will be an exciting time as we get back into holding our Regional Meeting on the off years of the NODCC's national conference.
This gathering includes open group times, professional speakers, information from great resources and more.

We are all here for the common goal of helping our DCCer/selves learn more. Sometimes the journey with an DCCer can seem like a rollercoaster ride. But when we open our eyes and put hands up to feel the breeze, what a wonderful and exciting ride this can be.

As you view the schedule below please note that while some parts may not be filled in with information yet, Registration is open!!
For the Adults with DCC coming, we are looking into having a couple speakers specifically for you that will take place during the same time as lectures the are more geared towards parents of small children.

We look forward to seeing you at the Region One Meeting and hope that you have an amazing time.

This disorder does not define you. You CAN define this disorder.

Beartown Road Alliance Church Gymnasium
21 Bear Town Road, Painted Post, NY

Date & Time
July 29, 2023
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM

For questions or help contact Katherine Gee at:
[email protected]

**There will be opportunities to purchase NODCC merchandise and ACC related books.
**Cash purchases only
8:00 AM
Doors Open
This first hour of the morning will allow families and individuals to trickle in and get settled.  We will have a sign in table where you can pick up your name badge. This time will also allow those with children to sign them in and get them settled into our childcare room(s).  
You can also take this time to gather any of the NODCC brochures/informational packets (free), check out our merchandise or grab something from our "breakfast bar" before finding your seat.  
Welcome speech from Host, Katherine Gee and Ice Breaker
Hear from your host Katherine Gee.  Then join her in getting to know everyone with a quick, fun ice breaker activity to get the day started.  
Whole Group Introductions
During this time we ask those (who want to) to share a bit about themselves and their DCC person.  We do this so those attending can find out who lives near them, who has the same diagnosis, whose DCCers are close in age. This allows you to make connections that you can continue even after the Meeting is over.  
 How to help your child & yourself when aggressive
behaviors arise- Presenter, Douglas Bronson
Join us for an informative session on "How to help your child and yourself when aggressive behaviors occur." Discover the transformative power of Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) as we explore its role in reducing conflict and aggressive behaviors, providing practical strategies for fostering a harmonious environment at home. Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and tools for promoting positive behavior and emotional well-being in your family.
 School Psychologist- Tricia Bressler
This lecture will discuss how to help your child transition from elementary to middle and from middle to high school. She will also discuss how to help your child view school in a positive way and more.   
NODCC Information- Barbra Fonseca (NODCC Founder)
During this time, we will be sharing with you updated information about the NODCC, what the Board of Directors is up to, how to join the Board or volunteer on a committee and any research programs that you may be interested in participating in.  
Enjoy a delicious catered lunch from Wegmans Cafe with your family.  Be sure to sit with some new friends to get to know them better.  
Special Needs Trust Funds-  Attorney Mike Martino
What is a special needs trust fund? Does my child need one? How will it help them in the future? How do I set one up?These questions and more will be answered during this lecture.  
Helping your child understand "friendships"- Presenter, Elisabeth Martinec
Ask an Adult with DCC Panel
This is an opportunity for attendees to ask any questions they have to adults living with the disorder and get some amazing insight, tips and learn from the DCCers personal experiences.  
Break Out Groups
This time is often looked forward to the most.  When we break into smaller groups to laugh, cry, vent or share in joy together! The groups are:  Mothers, Fathers, DCC Adults. There will even be a group for those of you that are aunts, uncles, grandparents, adult typical siblings, all together.  
Whole Group
This will be where we come together again and if anyone has anymore questions or things to share we will take the time here to do that.  We then will give closing remarks.  
Here we invite anyone that would like to help us close up tables, stack chairs and clean up so we can leave our event space tidy.  We then will be heading out to dinner at 6:30 to Carey's Brew House and invite any families/individuals that want to join us.  
Adults with DCC Schedule
8:00 AM
Doors Open
This first hour of the morning will allow families and individuals to trickle in and get settled.  We will have a sign in table where you can pick up your name badge. This time will also allow those with children to sign them in and get them settled into our childcare room(s).  
You can also take this time to gather any of the NODCC brochures/informational packets (free), check out our merchandise or grab something from our "breakfast bar" before finding your seat.  
Welcome speech from Host and Ice Breaker
Hear from your host Katherine Gee.  Then join her in getting to know everyone with a quick, fun ice breaker activity to get the day started.  
Whole Group Introductions
During this time we ask those (who want to) to share a bit about themselves and their DCC person.  We do this so those attending can find out who lives near them, who has the same diagnosis, whose DCCers are close in age. This allows you to make connections that you can continue even after the Meeting is over.  
How to take care of your mental health- Presenter Katherine Gee
This lecture will be about the seven pillars self-care.  The discussion will involve what the pillars are and how we can balance them in our lives to create better mental health.  
 Navigating Life, "Communication"- Presenter Tom Gee
Communicate Better!
Communication skills not only help you clearly deliver your messages to others, but they also help you to understand the thoughts and feelings from another speaker's frame of reference. This session will discuss the primary skills that contribute to successful communication in both business and casual situations.
During this time, we will be sharing with you updated information about the NODCC, what the Board is up to and any research programs that you may be interested in participating in.  
Enjoy a delicious catered lunch from Wegmans Cafe with your family.  Be sure to sit with some new friends to get to know them better.  
Ask An Adult With DCC 
This is a small group session for the DCC kids (ages 10-17) to ask the Adults anything about navigating life with this disorder 
Ice Cream Outing
The DCC adults will get to head to the local ice cream shop next door for a break in between the panels
Ask an Adult with DCC Panel
This is an opportunity for attendees to ask any questions they have to adults living with the disorder and get some amazing insight, tips and learn from the DCCers personal experiences.  
Break Out Group
This time is often looked forward to the most.  When we break into smaller groups to laugh, cry, vent or share in joy together! The groups are:  Mothers, Fathers, DCC Adults. There will even be a group for those of you that are aunts, uncles, grandparents, adult typical siblings, all together.  
Mental Health - Meditation/Yoga - Crystal Heart Yoga
This information will be filled in at a later date. Please be sure to check back.  
Whole Group
This will be where we come together again and if anyone has anymore questions or things to share we will take the time here to do that.  We then will give closing remarks.  
Here we invite anyone that would like to help us close up tables, stack chairs and clean up so we can leave our event space tidy.  We then will be heading out to dinner at 6:45 and invite any families/individuals that want to join us.  
Kids Room(s) 
8:00 AM
Doors Open
This first hour of the morning will allow families and individuals to trickle in and get settled.  We will have a sign in table where you can pick up your name badge. This time will also allow those with children to sign them in and get them settled into our childcare room(s).  
You can also take this time to gather any of the NODCC brochures/informational packets (free), check out our merchandise or grab something from our "breakfast bar" before finding your seat.  
Introductions and Ice Breaker Games

Inside Free Time/ Outside Free Time

Snack Time
This will be updated soon. Please check back soon.  
Crafts with Art Teacher- Teresa Telehany
Clean up and Wash Hands
Enjoy a delicious catered lunch from Wegmans Cafe with your family.  Be sure to sit with some new friends to get to know them better.  
Popsicles and Free Time Play (for kids age 11 and under
Does your child have an allergy or dietary restriction? Please send us an email to let us know so we can accomodate them.  We want everyone to be safe, healthy and having fun! 
Ask An Adult With DCC
This is a small group session for the DCC kids (ages 10-17) to ask the Adults anything about navigating life with this disorder  
Breakout Groups

We are holding, at minimum, two break out groups here.  One for the Siblings of DCCers and one for the DCCers.  This is a space where they can relax, breathe, and talk about whatever they need to while with a groups of peers that understand exactly what they are going through.  
Siblings group moderators - Al and Amy Cordosa
DCC siblings group moderators- Katherine Gee and TBD
Snack Time
 *During this time kids that participated in the Panel @ 1:20 will have popsicles
Game Time!!
Free Play
Kids Yoga-Crystal Heart Yoga
Picked Up By Parent
Here we invite anyone that would like to help us close up tables, stack chairs and clean up so we can leave our event space tidy.  We then will be heading out to dinner at 6:45 and invite any families/individuals that want to join us.  
Join us on July 29
We look forward to hosting you!

Processing Registration...