The Subconscious Connection
in Relationships Masterclass
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Understand how your unconscious behavior is affecting who you are, how you act in relationships and who you are attracting.
Through applying the findings from Development Psychology, Early Childhood Conditioning, and the Attachment Theory, we will discuss how our childhood and our relationship with our parents affect how we act in our romantic relationships.
We will go over a relationship model that was developed in 1968 by Dr John Kappas, Phd in Pyschyology, Relationship and Marriage Psychotherapist & Hypnotherapist. After working with over 30,000s individuals, Dr Kappas recognized unconcious behaviour patterns in their relationships and developed a behavior model to help them have a better understanding of each other and resolve their conflicts. We will discuss the 2 distinct personalities in any relationship and you will be able to identify which if your primary behavior identity. Once you uncover your unconscious behavior identity, you will be able to recognize the qualities for the ideal partner that compliments you.
Upon completing this masterclass, you will start to attract the right partner and empower you to get the relationship you want.
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Monday, Feb 12, 2024
5:00pm - 6:00pm (PST)
8:00pm - 9:00pm (EST)
Tuesday, Feb 13, 2024
12:00pm - 1:00pm (SYD)