Half-Day Workshop on the Positive Effects of Spirituality and Religion on Mental Health
In the past, spirituality and religion were seen to be detrimental to one’s mental health. Research over the past several decades, demonstrates that with suitable assessment and intervention, spirituality and religion can have positive effects on one’s mental health. This workshop will outline some of the mental health benefits of spiritual well-being through the lens of practitioners, lived experience and religious leaders.
Sara Riel Inc.
66 Moore Street
St. Vital
Date & Time
November 6, 2023, 9:00 AM - Noon
The first panel consists of practitioners who speak about mental health and importance of spirituality within the framework of services and support.
Tara Snider
Sara Riel Inc.
Lynn Granke
Certified Supervisor-Educator Emeritus & Spiritual Care Practitioner
President CASC/ACSS
Dr. Randy Goossen
Associate Professor at Max Rady College - University of Manitoba
Dr. Chris Summerville
Schizophrenia Society of Canada
The second part of the workshop includes a testimonial on lived experience and a panel of religious and spiritual practitioners
Hermann Dueck
Spiritual Health practitioner
Concordia Village, Winnipeg
Reverend Michael Thibert
Spiritual health practitioner
Deacon and SHP for Indigenous Health at the WRHA
Rabbi Kliel Rose
Rabbi and spiritual leader
Congregation Etz Chayim
Dr. Natashi Ali
Has a private practice and also works for Student Services at the U of MB
Registration and coffee
9:00 - 9:15
Welcome & Opening blessing
9:15 - 10:15
Panel discussion - Practitioners perspectives on the benefits of religion & spirituality on mental health
10:15 -10:30
Lived experience testimonial - Hermann Dueck
Health Break


11:50 - Noon
Panel discussion - religious perspective on mental health

Table discussions

Plenary & Adjournment

Processing Registration...