Join Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master & Breathwork Facilitator LexyRose Scott for a 1 hour 45 minute Experience of Breathwork & Holy Fire Reiki.  This Experience will shift your body, mind, and spirit into a more relaxed and aligned state.  There will be intention setting, followed by Breathwork and relaxation while Holy Fire Reiki flows.  This is an incredible way to relax, reset, let go of what no longer serves you and bring in that which is for your highest good at this time.  You will connect more fully with your authentic self and feel at peace, inspired, and more trusting in life.
Date & Time
Tuesday June 6th,
7:00 PM - 8:45 PM
What is Breathwork ?

Breathwork is a 3 part active breathing meditation that creates an over-oxygenation in the body and mind. As you use your breath you release layers of anxiety, fear, trauma and worry while connecting more fully to a feeling of peace and confidence. This pattern of breath gets you out of the over thinking mind and into your body.

What is Holy Fire Reiki?

Reiki is the energy of pure unconditional love, it is used in hospitals around the world as it speeds up the recovery time of injury and helps patients feel more calm and at ease. It instills a profound feeling of peace, relaxes and balances the nervous system. It works physically, mentally emotionally and spiritually all at once. Holy Fire Reiki does all of this, and works even deeper assisting with purification and assisting the recipient in connecting more deeply to their intuition and helps to empower. All the receiver has to do to receive is lay down. The best way to understand this powerful energy and its benefits is to experience it.

In combination these modalities create an incredibly powerful healing Experience.

Some Benefits of Breathwork and Reiki  :

Boost immunity.

Relax and reset the nervous system.

Aid in digestion.

Balance hormones and create harmony in the body.

Dissipate feelings of depression, worry, fear, and anxiety.

Inspire creativity and clarity.

Clear energy centers known as chakras.

Release stuck energy and trauma from the body.

Align you with universal life force energy and connect you more fully with your true spirit.

Deepen connection to intuition.

*If you have high blood pressure, neurological issues, cardiovascular issues, are pregnant or currently taking antipsychotic medications, please consult with your doctor before practicing breathwork.

*If you have any questions please feel free to email LexyRose, [email protected]

This Is For You If:

You want a powerful experience.

You want to feel more clear, confident and inspired.

You want to release worry and fear.

You want to break free of some limiting beliefs and connect to your full potential.

You want clarity.

You want to make space in your mind and body.

You want to raise your vibration.

You want to reset and relax.

You want to move through some stagnant energy physically, mentally, and emotionally.

You want to have an uplifting experience that will create the shift your body and mind are asking for.
Meet LexyRose
LexyRose Scott is a mother, Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master, Breathwork Facilitator, and intuitive.  After years of anxiety, depression and a chaotic yet glamorous life as a celebrity fashion stylist she decided she needed a better way. When her baby was three months old she experienced a powerful Breathwork and Reiki session that transformed her life. She had connected to an indescribable feeling of inspiration and a profound sense of peace, something she never felt before.  She was so moved by this experience that she now offers Reiki and Breathwork to clients in one on one sessions, 3 month Activation Packages, as well as group and corporate events .  Her goal is to help others to tap into their limitless potential, to feel confident and empowered in their bodies and lives.

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