2003 - 2023
20 Years of "The Health Captains Think Tank"

on Föhr Island 

Partner, Family, Friends & Colleagues are welcome
- since 2003 -
Partner, Family, Friends and
Colleagues are welcome - since 2003. 
„Christi Himmelfahrt 2023 – Wir fahren alle noch auf Sicht“:
Update INSELZYKLUS Föhr-Amrum-Sylt 2023

Berlin, den 24. April 2023

Sehr verehrte, liebe  Mitglieder,
liebe Health Captains, Kollegen, Freunde und Gäste,

unsere persönliche Begegnung für unsere rd. 250 Mitglieder und von unseren Mitgliedern persönlich eingeladenen Neumitgliedern bzw. Gästen ist durch nichts zu ersetzen:

In diesem Sinne sind jeweils maximal 150 Teilnehmer / 



empowered by Mentorship & Leadership by the Faculty of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE and the Members of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB
- LEADERSHIP FOR EXPLORING SUSTAINABLE HEALTH towards the Next Generation Leadership -


"From the desire to be a health entrepreneur … – we are looking for: “dynamic entrepreneurs“, “pioneering entrepreneurs“, “inventor entrepreneurs” and “company inventors“.
- Health Entrepreneurship towards sustainable Health & Life Care -
Programm @ https://healthcaptains.events


Around 1,000 foundations alone in Germany support Medicine and Health Sciences. That is an enormous potential for jointly successfully coping with the current revolutionary transformation of medicine towards more sustainability. The #HealthFoundationDay = #Gesundheitsstiftertag on SYLT ISLAND on May 22, 2023 is the first multi-stakeholder exchange platform for health foundations of its kind to cultivate "4P`s" - Public - Private - Philanthropic - Partnerships towards 360º Next Generation Healthcare -
Programm @ https://healthcaptains.events 

R.S.V.P. – Anmeldung zur Teilnahme auf Föhr-Amrum-Sylt jeweils bitte per Email an: [email protected]
May 18th-20th, 2023

Celebrating 20 Years:

started  May 29, 2003

Next Generation Healthcare

Our moderators. keynote speakers and panelists represent the wide spectrum of experts in The Health Captains Club - from global enterprise executives to entrepreneurs and public health leaders.

The First Health Captain Symposium SÜNJHAID! = HEALTH! started on Ascension Day May 29th, 2003 on the Green Island Föhr.

Since 2020 powered by THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB
with > 250 Members.

Partner, Family, Friends and 
Colleagues are welcome - since 2003. 
Thank you to all the Speakers on Föhr Island and beyond in Berlin, Hamburg, Kiel, San Diego, Burg Wanzleben and Schloss Rotenfels for their Leadership since 2003:

Dr. iur. Winfried A. Adam, Gero Altmann, Christine Aschenberg-Dugnus, MdB, Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet, MD, MaHM, Professor Dr. med. Dietrich Baumgart, Dipl.Ök. Holger Baumann, Dr. med. Sylvester von Bismarck, MBA, Prof. Dr. med. Erwin Böttinger, Dr. Friedrich von Bohlen und Halbach, Marcus Bracklo, Professor Dr. Reinhard Busse, MPH, FFPH, Dr. Ing. Felix Cornelius, Ralf Däninghaus, Dr. Richard Della Penna, MD, Professor Dr. med. Dr. phil. Klaus Dörner, James Dunford, MD, Professor Dr. med. Axel Ekkernkamp, Professor Dr. Karl Max Einhäupl, Dr. med. Cornelia Falge, MBE, Professor Dr. Volkert Faltings, Dr. Ekkehard Finkeissen, Martin Fritz, Werner Fürstenberg, Minister of Health Dr. Heiner Garg, Peter Paul Gardosch von Krosigk, Dr. rer. pol. Cornelius Glismann, Dr. med. Michael Goering, Hans-Joachim Goetz, Professor Rainer Groothuis, Fritz Grupe, Dr. med. Clemens Guth, MBA, Professor Dr. med. Dr. Jens Habermann, Dr. Philipp Hahn, Ingo Horak, Hans Erik Henriksen, Rainer Herzog, Sebastian Hesse, MSc, Professor Dr. med. Thilo Hoelscher, Dr. med. Thomas Hopfe, Dr. med. Ellis Huber, Professor Dr. med. Ralf Huss, Dr. med. Hartwig Jaeger, Guy Jaquet, Professor Dr. Katharina Janus, Professor Dr. Hartmut Juhl, Moritz Freiherr Knigge, Dr. Peter J. Kracht, Professor Dr. Martin Kirschner, MaHM, Dr. med. Michael O.R. Kröher, Kapitän Ralf Krogmann, Professor Dr. med. Christian Lange-Aschenfeldt, Professor Dr. rer. nat. Lehrach, Professor Heinz Lohmann, Professor Dr. med. Jan van Lunzen, Dr. Rajan Malaviya, Ines Manegold, Professor Dr. David Matusiewicz, Cord Meyer, Falk Miekley, Karlheinz Müller, Christoph von Mohl, Marco Murre-Schwaiger, Wolfgang Muschter, Dr. med. rer. nat. Reinhard Nehring, Claudia Nolte, Dr. med. Strafen Paech, Dr. med. Zarmina Penner,, MBA, MAS, Dr. rer. pol. Ekhard Popp, Dr. med. Rolf Porsche, Professor Dr. med. hail. Peter P. Pramstaller, Joachim Prölß, Dr. Georg Ralle, Dr. med. Klaus Rensing, MBA, Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Rosenbauer, Generalarzt a.D. Dr. med. Arno Roßlau, Dr. rer. nat. Berthold Rutz, Maria Alexandrovna Rykova, Professor Dr. med. Christian Schem, MaHM, Professor Dr. med. Carl Schirren †, Staatssekretär a.D. Dr. jur. Carl Hermann Schleifer, Dr. jur. Henning C. Schneider, Dr. med. Andreas Schmid, MaHM, Professor Dr. med. Matthias Schönermark, Hartmut Schmidt, Professor Jens Scholz, MBA, Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. Anthon Schröder †, Dr. med. Nikolai von Schröders, Dr. med. Bernd Schorndorf, Dr. jur. Kirsten Soyke, Dipl.-Ing. Sybille Stauch-Eckmann, Dr. jur. Alexander von Stechow †, Alois Steidel, Ulrike Steinecke, Dr. med. Volker Streit, Dr. med. Jan Stritzke, MaHM, Dipl.-Kfm. Karl Ferdinand von Thurn und Taxis, Dr. med. Jens Tülsner, Dr. rer. nat. Vincent von Walcke-Wulffen, Dr. med. Nils Graf von Waldersee, Peter Walter, Professor Dr. Philipp Walther, Dr. med. Rainer Wäschle, MaHM, Staatssekretär a.D. Andreas Westerfellhaus, Privatdozent Dr. med. Thomas Widmann and some hundreds of Participants with their Partners, Families, Friends & Colleagues.
Claudia Gräfin von Schönburg
Founder and Managing Director
Dr. Hagen Wenzek
CEO, GI Digital
CIO, CorporateHealth Int.
Dr. Bettina Borisch
Professor Dr. med.
Global Health, Public Health and Pathology
University of Geneva
Dr. Mathias Goyen
Professor Dr. med.
Chief Medical Officer EMEA
GE Healthcare
Dr. Thomas Wolfram
Managing partner of WKT Solutions GmbH and owner of Dr. Thomas Wolfram Consulting
Kai Swoboda
Managing Director
IKK classic, Statutory Health InsurancE
Dr. Katarzyna Zarychta
Ph.D., MSc. Eng.
MagForce AG
Dr. Christian K. Lackner
Prof. Dr. med.
Surgery/Traumatology & Management in Medicine
Drees & Sommer SE
Secret Speaker
... more to come ...
Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet
The Keynotes - The Panels - The Debates. The Heidelberg Forum is a place where ideas become actionable. While the keynotes are meant to spark big ideas, the panels go into the details, leading to debates between all participants that should create concrete next steps.
Don`t miss out.

Register by May 1, 2023 . 
We look forward to seeing you there.
Schedule @ Übersee-Club Hamburg
Asparagus Lunch Wednesday before Ascension Day at 1pm - May 17th, 2023, 13:00-15:00 

Chaired by the WEST COAST EU - WEST COAST USA Twin Chapter of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB and CO-HOSTED by "Stiftung Gesundheit Hamburg"

The asparagus meal is a jour fix and meeting point for THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB and especially for the ISLANDCYCLE-Participants from home and abroad, after landing at Hamburg Airport, on the way to Föhr-Amrum-Sylt Island. The asparagus meal is also often one of the first contacts with the Health Captains for many guests and starting point for numerous carpooling to Dagebüll Mole, the ferry port to Föhr and Amrum Island. The asparagus meal on personal invitation is limited to 44 participants due to the limited capacity of the Übersee-Club. Please give us a hint if we haven’t asked you to join.
|     13:00
Come together in the GRAND HALL @ Übersee-Club
Neuer Jungfernstieg 19, 20354 Hamburg, Germany
Come together at Übersee-Club Hamburg - the Club was established with the goal of "fostering Hamburg's status in the world", the Club has always been a venue that attracts outstanding minds from the worlds of commerce, politics, culture and learning – a "talking gallery" to cite the famous banker Max M. Warburg's words at the association's founding assembly in 1922.
|      13:15
Welcome Note by the President Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet and Faculty-Members of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE
Welcoming the Candidates by the COLLEGE Faculty and the President: THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE is the Leadership Academy to shape the Excellence of “360-Degree Next-Generation multiprofessional and international Leadership for the HEALTH INDUSTRY, HEALTH SCIENCES and HEALTH POLICY”.
|      13:30
Asparagus Lunch @ Übersee-Club
The Asparagus Lunch ties in with the history of Heidelberg asparagus eating: The Heidelberg Asparagus Meeting (also: Heidelberg Asparagus Affair, Heidelberg Mockage) was a series of public statements by Heidelberg Corps students directed against Adolf Hitler from May 21, 1935 in Heidelberg , which accelerated the process of dissolving student ties in the Nazi German Reich. Corps members criticized Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. Source: Wikipedia. - By far the highest number of academics among NSDAP members fell on the group of Medical Doctors. With this very conscious historical reference to our annual asparagus meal, THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB point out the high level of involvement of medicine in the Hitler regime and honor medical professionals who, then as now, differentiate themselves from totalitarian regimes in their attitudes and their active activities. This is a natural and clear attitude that Health Captains want to adopt visibly.
|      13:45
|      15:00
Transfer to the Ferry towards Föhr Island
Looking forward after arriving on Föhr Island to enjoy with other Health Captains your first or traditional THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB COCKTAIL from Manhattan and Föhr Island – with Faith, Love, and Hope.
|      18:00
“Klein Helgoland on Föhr” @ Yacht Harbor Wyk auf Föhr
The first common meeting point of the Health Captains on Föhr Island for the come together, always on Wednesday evening before Ascension Day, is after arriving in the “Klein Helgoland on Föhr” at the Klönsnacktresen at Föhr Island, at the yacht harbor in Wyk auf Föhr, approx. 300m from the ferry port: Participants, who would like to come to the “Klein Helgoland auf Föhr” on Wednesday evening, are kindly asked to reserve seats in their own name in advance under the keyword “SÜNJHAID! to RÜNJHAID! “ ("HEALTH & WEALTH) - we have been in good contact with the operators for many years.

Little Helgoland
Aft Diek 14 25938
Wyk on Foehr Island
Tel .: +49-4681-7471673
Email: [email protected]
|      19:00
Last Ferry at Dagebüll Mole / North Frisia to Wyk Island of Föhr
Year after year we have been welcoming an increasing number of foreign passengers onboard our commuter ferry services trading to the Islands of Föhr and Amrum in northern Germany. Our services on this website are only available in German. However, our team will be pleased to assist with your booking and any further information needed. Welcome on our website - and welcome onboard our ships! - FERRY - Wyker Dampfschiffsreederei

[email protected] (Email reservation available for foreign customers only!)
|      20:00
Come together @ Alte Druckerei - Weinstube - Wyk on Föhr Island
Mittelstrasse 17, 25938 Wyk auf Föhr 
Start synapting with your fellow Colleagues and Health Captains. You find Wine, Bear and natural Juices, warm Drinks and small Dishes on the Menu operated by the "Föhrer Gesundheitshaus". Open End.
Schedule - The Ascension Day
Health Captains Day 1 - May 18, 2023
@ Midlumer Krog, Midlum, Föhr Island
|      10:00
„All future for scalable value-based medicine is international – the digital-molecular transformation of medicine helps to create a precise, individualized and scalable digital-molecular coordination system for the medical navigation of patients, but also already for the prevention of diseases: "The Patient will be the CEO of his Health".
|      10:15
Welcome Note by the Founder Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet
"The molecular pathology analysis n=1 precise diagnostic results with n=1 "in silico" therapy optimization, as the digital navigating anchor points for the existing individual human digitalized medical information has the capacity to create by scaling in the future a global „Patient-centered Health Navigation System“. This could be „The Google-Maps System for Medicine“. Globalization will make no exception for medicine - for us together this is "The Davos Perspective".
|     10:30
“At the latest in the face of the global corona pandemic, we have to completely restructure medicine, health sciences, health industry and the health systems worldwide towards sustainability. It is about human life, the life of our families and friends, our employees and colleagues, the life of those entrusted to us and it is about our life and our nature."

THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB is promoting for #NewNormal ONE HEALTH: “One Health” is built on a simple understanding – that human health, animal health and our shared environment are part of a deeply interconnected system.

We connect the #OneHealth Concept with the respected global value-based Healthcare Strategy to focus on delivering sustainable Value for the individual Patient in Healthcare and to create as consequence of our #COVID19 Experience additionally a value-based strategy for #OneHealth to built a new sustainable eco-system for Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and One Health Sciences together.
|      12:00
Health Captains Lunch with Partners, Family, Friends & Colleagues at „Krog zu Midlum auf Föhr“
|      14:00
„The Human Cell Atlas Project“ – a new Universum for Humanity, Precision Medicine, Precision Science and Regenerative Medicine – from Imprecision Medicine and Imprecision Science towards a new Taxonomy of Disease and Human System Biology – Prototyping a Single-Cell-Omics Diagnostic Center:  Human Cell Atlas (HCA) –humancellatlas.org” – Single Cell Omics Germany – singlecell.de – The Life Time Initiative – lifetime-fetflagship.eu – The International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) – ihec-epigenomes.org – Single Cell Center Heidelberg – single-cell-center-hd.de
|      15:30 
Creating „The Atlas of Humanity”: Conventional Hippocratic School Medicine & Alternative Medicine: incurable Competition? How can conventional medicine and complementary medicine work together to the benefit of patients in the age of digitalization and molecularization of Medicine? Can scaleable “Internet Platform Medicine” combine conventional school medicine with complementary holistic patient-centered alternative-medicine on a individual sustainable basis to bring more Humanity to Medicine 4.0?“
|      18:00
General Assembly of “THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB” & RUENJHAID.ORG (Rünjhaid! & Medicinale e.V.)
General Assembly of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB Patronage Association „RÜNJHAID! Circle of Friends of the North Frisian Seafaring Islands Föhr, Amrum, Sylt, the Halligen, Cos Island and the MEDICINALE e.V.“ welcoming guests to join the membership and directly afterwards dinner with with Partners, Family, Friends & Colleagues at „Krog zu Midlum auf Föhr“ and all guests. Location: Midlumer Krog – Source: www.ruenjhaid.org
|      20:00
Health Captains Dinner with Partners, Family, Friends & Colleagues at „Krog zu Midlum auf Föhr“
Open End.
Schedule - Friday after Ascension Day
Health Captains Honorary Lecture - May 19, 2023 @ Friesendom 6pm
|      8:15
Take the Ferry to join THE HEALTH ENTREPRENNEUER DAY on Amrum Island and start with the HEALTH SCIENCES BUSINESS BREAKFAST on the ferry towards Amrum Island
To check in you have to register for THE HEALTH ENTREPRENEUERS DAY on Amrum Island - limited to 150 Participants.

The focus of THE HEALTH ENTREPRENEURS DAY powered by THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB is committed to the cultivation and activation of sustainable entrepreneurship in the Health Industry that is oriented towards patient benefit: Think-Tank and Network for the Future of value-based Health Sciences Entrepreneurship. Sustainable Health Entrepreneurship: from the desire to be a health entrepreneur …– we are looking for: “dynamic entrepreneurs“, “pioneering entrepreneurs“, “inventor entrepreneurs” and “company inventors“.

You will be back on time on Föhr Island for the HEALTH CAPTAINS HONORARY LECTURE
|      10:00 A
Golf Course: SUNJHAID!Cup = HEALTH!Cup
The GOLF CLUB FÖHR - founded in 1925 - are among the top 10 German golf courses (Golf Journal Travel Awards 2019). The 27-hole course offers the right course for every level and every requirement. If you want to join the SUENJHAID!Cup please contact THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB President`s Office on Föhr Island.
|      10:00 B
For the hole family: beach, wadding, sailing, skating, cycling, horse riding
Take a break with your family & friends for your wellbeing on Föhr Island in the middle of the Wadden Sea World Heritage .
|      10:00 C
Cultural Island Program: West Coast Collection Alkersum auf Föhr & Dr. med. Carl Häberlin FRIESEN MUSEUM Wyk auf Föhr
The high-quality West Coast Art Collection focuses on painting from four of the littoral countries of the North Sea ‒ Norway, Denmark, North Germany and the Netherlands – in the period from 1830 to 1930. All of the artworks address the fascinating range of themes linked to “sea and seaside”.

The "Friesen Museum" presents the geology - archeology - natural history - the seaside resort Wyk - handicrafts - seafaring and whaling - Föhr Island customs and costumes - islanders emigration towards USA - building culture - regional art
|      10:00

GET STARTED: The CORE`s of 5 are the beating hearts of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB:
Following the Neuroleadership-Experience we start to take action @ THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB with a CORE of 5.  Take your chance to meet in person on Föhr Island.
|      18:00
The Health Captains Honorary Lecture @ Friesendom
|      20:00
Health Captains Dinner with Partners, Family, Friends & Colleagues @ Club 1925, Grevelingstieg 6 in Nieblum auf Föhr
Health Captains share their thoughts about the keynotes, panels, and debates on the podium with moderators and the audience while we enjoy all a island dinner together with Partners, Family, Friends & Colleagues
Schedule - Saturday after Ascension
Health Captains Day 2 - May 20, 2023
Golf-Club-Föhr @ Club 1925 - Grevelingstieg 6 in Nieblum auf Föhr
|      10:00
|      10:00
„Biology First, IT Second“ – the integrity of the human biology (tissue, blood, urin, liquor etc.) is the basis for scaling molecular data as integer digital data towards medical „BIG-Data-Knowledge-Networks“ for scalable value-based precision medicine. STOP: “GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT”.
|      11:45
„Today local, regional, national digitalisation solutions for medicine is strongly limited – the real sustainable digitalization of medicine will be globally scaleable. we are only at the start.“ The leadership concept of EURORALLYE.ORG: Moonshots for Europe.
|      13:15
Lunch with Partners, Families, Friends & Colleagues @ Club 1925 Föhr
|      14:30
|      14:30
“Input for the medialization and educatalization of Health Sciences and Medicine  -showcase of a professional news hub – an ongoing topic for patients benefit”: The Patient will be the CEO of his Health.
|      17:00
“Without a pilot’s office and navigation, there can be no successful cooperation with health policy – a journey through many years of personal experience in health policy at the state level, in the Bundestag and the Health Committee, the European Parliament and the European Commission – for the necessary professionalization of cooperation with health policy”
|      20:00
The Brainpool Keynotes during “THE HEALTH CAPTAIN`S DINNER” with Partners, Families, Friends & Colleagues
|      20:00
Informal Dinnerparty on the Green Family Island Föhr (0-99)
Children & Teenagers: Island Chick & Relaxed - Adults: "Captains-Blazer" & Casual Chick
|      23:00
Islanddisco for dancing through the night @ Olympic Wyk auf Föhr
Teenagers after Midnight in Company of their Parents. Opening 11.00pm till 6.00am.
|      23:00
Manhattan on the Rock`s at the Bar "Faith-Love-Hope" -
"Glaube-Liebe-Hoffnung" @ Hafenstraße 28 Wyk auf Föhr
Open End.
Schedule - Sunday after Ascension Day
May 21, 2023
|      11:15
FRISIAN DOME - "Friesendom" @ Nieblum auf Föhr
Church with Children
|      11:15
“Walk as you Talk” at the Beach and “Health Captains Reception” at the Surf School @ Nieblum auf Föhr
|      18:40
Last Ferry from Wyk auf Föhr to Dagebüll Mole on the Continent
Year after year we have been welcoming an increasing number of foreign passengers onboard our commuter ferry services trading to the Islands of Föhr and Amrum in northern Germany. Our services on this website are only available in German. However, our team will be pleased to assist with your booking and any further information needed. Welcome on our website - and welcome onboard our ships! - FERRY - Wyker Dampfschiffsreederei

[email protected] (Email reservation available for foreign customers only!)
ISLANDCYCLE Föhr-Amrum-Sylt 2024
Start @ Ascension Day May 9th, 2024
Conference Location

Föhr Island is one of the North Frisian Islands on the German coast of the North Sea. It is part of the Nordfriesland district in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein. Föhr is the second-largest North Sea island of Germany and a popular destination for tourists. A town and eleven distinct municipalities are located on the island. The climate is oceanic with moderate winters and relatively cool summers.

Föhr is called "The Green Island" due to being sheltered from the storms of the North Sea by its neighbouring islands Sylt and Amrum, so that Föhr's vegetation is thriving compared to other islands.

2022 Max. 50 Participants. 2023 celebrating 20 Years The Health Captains THINK-TANK on Föhr Island max. 150 Participants.

THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB Headquarter Location:
INSELKONTOR, Jens-Jacob-Eschel-Strasse 17 , 25938 Nieblum auf Föhr / Germany

Language: English – the language of medicine
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB welcomes their CO-HOSTS for their support to make this first Heidelberg Forum a success. We welcome further inquiries. Please contact the President`s Office.
The Islandcycle
Program Committee
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB Board Members invites for every FORUM & SYMPOSIUM a Program Committee to review the Schedule, the Locations and the Panels with their Speakers and Chairpersons. The Program Committee also invites the CO-HOSTS and supports their additional Conference Program with Chairs and Speakers.
The Program Committee is chaired by the President - Call for Proposals
Posted November 1, 2021
In the aftermath of the World Health Summit in Berlin, THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB held its first Grand Round. An intimate panel event of key thought leaders in Berlin. The President announced the ISLANDCYCLE FÖHR-AMRUM-SYLT May 26th-30th, 2022 with a call for proposals by the Club`s CORE-Teams & THINK-TANK´s.
Call for College recruits!
Posted October 21, 2021
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE will launch with its first class of students at the Island Symposium in Föhr May 26-29, 2022 to start the leadership academy. Apply now for a seat in the classroom.

THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE is the Leadership Academy for Health 4.0 and One Health to shape the Excellence of “360-Degree Next-Generation multiprofessional and international Leadership for the HEALTH INDUSTRY, HEALTH SCIENCES and HEALTH POLICY” together in Europe and beyond.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS DAYS on Föhr Island May 26th & 28th, 2022
Posted December 1, 2021
Since 2003 the Think Tank (15), Symposium (150) and the Brainpools (50) of the “Health Captains” have been always started every year on the Ascension Day on the North Frisian Seafaring Island of Föhr according to our motto –  "RHÜM HART, KLAAR KIMMING” (Fering: “A big open heart and a clear horizon”). As people and as responsible persons, we look beyond the professional horizon – because responsibility for health is a task for society as a whole!
THE HEALTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP DAY on Amrum Island May 27th, 2022
Posted december 1, 2021
The focus of “The Health Entrepreneurs Day” is committed to the cultivation and activation of sustainable entrepreneurship in the Health Industry that is oriented towards patient benefit: Sustainable health entrepreneurship: from the desire to be a health entrepreneur …– we are looking for: “dynamic entrepreneurs“, “pioneering entrepreneurs“, “inventor entrepreneurs” and “company inventors“.
THE HEALTH FOUNDATIONS DAY on Sylt Island May 29th &30th, 2022
Posted December 1, 2021
The Philosophy of the HEALTH FOUNDATIONS DAY is to be a forum that actively point to positive examples of the successful interaction of “profit” (health sciences and healthcare industry) with “non-profit” (health foundations, health sciences institutions, NGOs, non-profit hospital sector, aid organizations such as the Red Cross, Order of St. John, Order of Malte, Sea Rescue Organizations etc.) on our Platform. We promote Leadership in Philanthropy - PQ = Philanthropic Intelligence: Motivate others to work collaboratively to do great things.
The Meaning of "SÜNJHAID" - since 2002
Posted December 1, 2021
SÜNJHAID! means in Fering, the language of the North Frisian islands of Föhr: HEALTH!  – according to the futurologist Leo A. Nefiodow, health is becoming a driving factor for the economy. Indicators suggest that the sixth long business cycle – “The Sixth Kondratieff” – health in the holistic sense – physically, mentally, mentally, ecologically & socially – will be the carrier of a long phase of prosperity in the 21st century. The goal of the founder: “Patient-centered navigation system for sustainable Medicine 4.0” and vision of the founder: “The patient will be the CEO of his Health”.

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