Prof. Julia Finkeissen (Board of Experts)
Prof. Bettina Borisch (Medical Board)
Prof. Alexandra Jorzig (Advisory Board)
Prof. Christian Lackner (Board of Experts)
Sebastian Græbe (Board of Experts)
Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet (Medical Board)

bitten zum 
Gesundheitsstiftertag auf Sylt

am 22. Mai 2023 ab 10 Uhr in das Kaamp Hüs
Hauptstrasse 12 in 25999 Kampen auf Sylt.

R.S.V.P. – und Anmeldung bitte per Email  an [email protected]
Programm @
Der 2022 im Rahmen des INSELZYKLUS FÖHR-AMRUM-SYLT begründete #Gesundheitsstiftertag auf SYLT nunmehr am 22. Mai 2023 ist die erste multi-stakeholder Austauschplattform für Gesundheitsstiftungen seiner Art in Europa: Neue interdisziplinäre, transsektorale und „silofreie“ Formen der Zusammenarbeit zum Patientennutzen von Gesundheitsstiftungen untereinander und der Gesundheitsstiftungen mit den Gesundheitswissenschaften, der Gesundheitswirtschaft und der Gesundheitspolitik nützt allen Verantwortlichen der allein über 1.000 Stiftungen in Deutschland, die sich mit der Medizin, der Förderung von Wissenschaft und Gesundheit  befassen. Neues barrierefreies Zusammenwirken zum Patientennutzen und mehr Nachhaltigkeit für unsere Gesundheitssysteme ist unser gemeinsames Ziel.

Call for Speakers and Chairs for 2023 is open:
Gesundheitsstiftertag auf Sylt am 22. Mai 2023 ab 10 Uhr 
im Kaamp Hüs in Kampen auf Sylt
Confirmed Chairpersons and Keynote Speakers
All Session 2022 on Sylt Island in German Language
SYLT 2022: Einladung zum #Gesundheitsstiftertag auf Sylt
am 22. Mai 2022

Liebe Gesundheitsstifter,
liebe Health Captains, Kollegen, Freunde und Gäste, 
sehr verehrte, liebe Mitglieder,

Einladung zum GESUNDHEITSSTIFTERTAG als Tagessymposium auf SYLT am 22. Mai 2023: Rund 1.000 Stiftungen allein in Deutschland fördern die Medizin Das ist ein enormes Potential zur gemeinsamen erfolgreichen Bewältigung der aktuellen umwälzenden Transformation der Medizin hin zu mehr Nachhaltigkeit. 2022 erfolgte die gemeinsame Grundsteinlegung auf Sylt mit einem ersten Gesundheitsstiftersymposium.
Der #Gesundheitsstiftertag auf SLYT am 30. Mai 2022 ist die erste multi-stakeholder Austauschplattform für Gesundheitsstiftungen: 
Neue interdisziplinäre, transsektorale und „silofreie“ Formen der Zusammenarbeit zum Patientennutzen von Gesundheitsstiftungen untereinander und der Gesundheitsstiftungen mit den Gesundheitswissenschaften, der Gesundheitswirtschaft und der Gesundheitspolitik nützt allen Verantwortlichen. Zusammenwirken zum Patientennutzen ist unser Ziel.
Der #Gesundheitsstiftertag auf SLYT unterstützt die Bildung von Allianzen und gibt Orientierung zum Gesamtspektrum der Gleichzeitigkeit der Innovationen: „360º Next Generation Healthcare – Navigating Smart Health powered by Smart Healthcare“.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB wurde sofort mit Ausbruch von Corona 2020 als unabhängige „silofreie“ Non-for-Profit Leadership-Plattform begründet. Nachhaltigkeit für die Medizin steht im Zentrum seiner bereits >200 Mitglieder und die Hauptziele sind:

Führungskräftenachwuchsförderung – 
„360º Next Generation Leadership“

Innovations- und Technologietransfer – 
„360º Next Generation Healthcare“

Gesundheitsversorgung & One Health
als Standort- und Wettbewerbsfaktor 

Der Gesundheitsstiftertag auf Sylt findet immer am Montag nach Christi Himmelfahrt statt, 2023 am Montag, den 22. Mai 2023. Die ursprüngliche Denkfabrik „Zukunftswerkstatt Gesundheitswesen“ der HEALTH CAPTAINS wurde 2003 auf der Insel Föhr begründet – 2023 „20 Years The Health Captains Think-Tank“. Quelle: - You are welcome!

Our moderators. keynote speakers and panelists represent the wide spectrum of experts in the Health Captains Club - from global enterprise executives to entrepreneurs and public health leaders
Julia Finkeissen
Chair 2022

Founder and Managing Director
Dr. Christian K. Lackner
CHAIR 2022

Dr. Bettina Borisch

Professor Dr. med.
Global Health, Public Health and Pathology
University of Geneva
Dr. Henri M. 
von Blanquet

M.D., MaHM
President of the health captains club
Dr. Karl Liese

Senior partner mckinsey&company "Payor-Practice"
Dr. Alexandra Jorzig
CHAIR 2022

Prof. Dr. iur.
Jorzig Law Firm
Dr. Alvar Mollik

mindful doctor 
Dr. Katarzyna Zarychta
CHAIR 2023

Ph.D., MSc. Eng.
Sebastian Græbe
CHAIR 2022


Secret Speaker
Dr. Dagmar Steiner

Senior manager Pricewaterhouse-
coopers (PWC)
Dr. Ralf Smeets

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf SmeetS
Klinik und Poli-klinik für MKG am UNIVERSITÄTS-klinikum HAMBURG Eppendorf (UKE)
The Keynotes - The Panels - The Debates. The HEALTH FOUNDATIONS DAY on Sylt Island is a place where ideas become actionable. While the keynotes are meant to spark big ideas, the panels go into the details, leading to debates between all participants that should create concrete next steps. Present active or up-coming projects and showcases to create new alliances for breakthroughs.
Don't miss out.
Register by March 28 . We look forward to seeing you there.

COVID-19 Aspects
We are fully committed to a safe event and will therefore implement at least all the official guidelines at the time of the event. That includes especially a requirement to be fully vaccinated, possibly including a booster shot.
HEALTH-Apéro on Sylt Island
Sunday after Ascension Day - May 21th, 2023, 18:00-21:00 


|     12:00
Plan your personal Arrival on Sylt Island in time by Air, Train, Car from the Continent or Ship from Föhr Island via Amrum Island - Informal Meeting Point @ Sansibar Sylt

Enjoy private Moments @ SYLT ISLAND in the World Heritage Wadden Sea of the Westcoast of North Germany before the Apéro. Partners, Family, Friends & Colleagues are welcome to join the Apéro and the HEALTH FOUNDATION DAY. Members of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB can bring their own guests to Sylt Island.

Take the world famous beach bar SANSIBAR as our informal meeting point to get in touch with the members of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB (To get access please wear your membership badge as our signet  as identification for other members and guests for our togetherness). If you would like to take lunch at Sansibar Sylt we recommend you to make a reservation before your arrival on Sylt Island. From the Sansibar you have direct access to the beach. Sylt is also famous for the Windsurf World Cup Sylt.

Take a long brake, time to chat and to relax.

Tablereservation: +49-4651-964646
Restaurant Sansibar - Herbert Seckler -
Hörnumer Straße 80
25980 Rantum auf Sylt
Sansibar Online
|     18:00
THE HEALTH FOUNDATION DAY is a sustainability initiative as Health Foundations Hub for value-based Innovation- and Technology-Transfer for Medicine 4.0 and Smart Healthcare towards e.g. digital health, precision medicine and regenerative medicine at the interface between profit & non-profit & health sciences, philanthropes and start-up entrepreneurs, investors and health policy.
|      19:00
Opening Ceremony of THE HEALTH FOUNDATIONS DAY on Sylt Island
Welcome Note by Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet, President of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB

THE HEALTH FOUNDATION DAY on SLYT ISLAND is the first of his kind: "Promoting a closer link between the profit, non-profit and science sectors in the health industry that focuses on patient benefit helps all those responsible. New “silo-free” forms of collaboration based on leadership for exploring sustainable health should be created and cultivated here.
|      19:10
Welcome Note by the Faculty-Members of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE

Welcoming the first year Candidates by the COLLEGE Faculty: THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE is the Leadership & Mentorship Academy to shape the Excellence of “360-Degree Next-Generation multiprofessional and international Leadership for the HEALTH INDUSTRY, HEALTH SCIENCES and HEALTH POLICY”.

Introducing the HEALTH FOUNDATIONS DAY from the perspective of the Faculty: "Philanthropy literally means humanity, solidarity or charity and is a guiding principle for HEALTH CAPTAINS. Philanthropy is affirmative, person-related, value-related and is universal – it is the sustainable responsibility of successful entrepreneurs and privileged personalities, part of leadership – and particularly important in the context of Medicine 4.0 & One Health."
|      19:30
Networking & Synapting
Enjoy and Discuss the Neuroleadership-Experience.
|      21:00
Manhattan on the Rocks
Looking forward after arriving on Sylt Island to your first or traditional THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB COCKTAIL from Manhattan and Föhr Island – with Faith, Love, and Hope.

Open End.
Schedule 2023 of THE HEALTH FOUNDATIONS DAY @ Kaamp Hüs Hauptstrasse 12 in Kampen auf Sylt
Monday after Ascension Day - May 22, 2023
|      10:00

All Session 2022 on Sylt Island in German Language

The transformation of medicine & care, health sciences and the health industry towards Value-Based Healthcare & HEALTH 4.0 - is a 360º “SuperConvergence” of Innovations. THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB is building the multi-professional, multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder “silo-free” membership-platform to synchronize medicine, care, science, technology, industry, politics, culture, ethics, national economics, and society to create the value-based framework and network for Medicine 4.0 - the Health Foundations Day has the impact to scale creative minds and leadership towards new Breakthrough Alliances: "From bench to bedside and bedside to bench".

The Health Foundations Day on Sylt Island feels exclusively committed to the benefit of the patient, which is why it bears the subtitle "value-based Innovations powered by Philanthropy" - innovations that measurably improve the outcome for the patient should be introduced more quickly into clinics and practices through our sustainability initiative, especially with the support of Health Foundations. A closer link between the profit, non-profit and health sciences sectors in healthcare, which focuses on patients benefit, helps all those responsible. New "silo-free" forms of collaboration based on the same goals (e.g. value-based Healthcare, Digitalization, Precision Medicine, Regenerative Medicine, Nanomedicine, Robotics etc.) should be created and cultivated here.
|      10:00
HEALTH FOUNDATION DAY PANEL I - Panel Lectures & Discussion
2022 Referencesession in German Language
Impulsvortrag und Diskussion: «Sollten Stifter die Gesundheitssysteme verändern?»

Prof. Dr. Bettina Borisch, MD, PhD - Institute of Global Health Université de Genève (Medical Board)

Chair: Prof. Dr. Christian K. Lackner, MD, PhD (Board of Experts)
Chair: Prof. Julia Finkeissen (Board of Experts)
|      11:30
HEALTH FOUNDATION DAY PANEL II - Panel Lectures & Discussion
2022 Referencesession in German Language
"360º Next Generation Healthcare", z.B. Digitalisierung  | Regenerative Medizin | #Mitarbeitergesundheit | Prevention | Mindfulness | Wellbeing | Healthy Aging | Longevity - Innovation powered by Philanthropy

Impuls I - Dr. med. Alvar Mollik (Board of Young Leaders) - #Ärztegesundheit

Impuls II - Prof. Dr. med Dr. med. dent. Ralf Smeets - Stellv. Klinikdirektor der Mund-Kiefer-Gesichtschirugie am Universitätsklinikum Eppendorf - "MKG-Chirurgie 4.0. - wo könnte die Reise hingehen ? Forschung, Förderung und Zusammenarbeit mit Stiftungen zur Finanzierung am Beispiel neuer Biomaterialien-Implantat-materialien/-oberflächen - 3D-Druck/ Künstliche Intelligenz"

Impuls III - Dr. med. Dagmar Steiner - „Digitale Patientenversorgung - was bedeutet das?“

Chair: Sebastian Græbe (Board of Experts)
Chair: Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet, MD, MaHM (Medical Board)
|      13:00
Lunch with Partners, Families, Friends & Colleagues
Take a brief brake, have a chat, and stretch your legs - be ready on time
|      14:30
2022 Referencesession in German Language
„Impact Investing im Gesundheitswesen: Wie können florierende Unternehmen und sinnstiftende Gesundheitsstiftungen zusammenarbeiten?“

Dr. Karl Liese, MD - Head Payer Practice and Partner MyKinsey & Company
Prof. Dr. Bettina Borisch, MD, PhD - Institute of Global Health Université de Genève (Medical Board)

Chair: Prof. Dr. Christian K. Lackner, MD, PhD (Board of Experts)
Chair: Prof. Julia Finkeissen (Board of Experts)
|      16:15 
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB 360º Roundtable as Worldcafé

Table I -   Health Foundations & Smart Funding and Smart Management

Table II - Health Foundations & Philanthropic Digital Marketing & Branding -

Table Captain: Prof. Dr. Christian K. Lackner - Director Healthcare Drees & Sommer SE (Board of Experts)

Table III - Health Foundations & Update: The New German Law

Table IV - Profit with Non-Profit - Scaling value-based Innovations powered by Philanthropy and Invest-In-Health Alliances to create 

Table Captain: Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet

Table V - Young Generations & Young Leaders - interacting for Solutions to create Success

Table Captain: Prof. Julia Finkeissen
|      17:45 
Summary: The Health Foundations Day Rapporteurs
We advocate the patients perspectives towards value-based Healthcare – value and safety for the patient in Europe and beyond.

Prof. Dr. Bettina Borisch, MD, PhD
Dr. Henri Michael von Blanquet, MD, MaHM
|      20:00
The Brainpool Keynotes during “THE HEALTH CAPTAINS DINNER” with Partners, Families, Friends & Colleagues

VOGELKOJE Lister Straße 100 in 25999 Kampen auf Sylt

Hinweis: Aus Compliancegründen zahlt jeder Teilnehmer sein Dinner und seine Getränke selbst (Einzelinkasso). Ein insulares Auswahlmenü ist vorbereitet.
Tuesday after Ascension Day - May 23, 2023
|      10:00
Explore Sylt Island
Intact nature is rightfully considered the greatest luxury of our century.

While larger fins roam through the North Sea, tiny feet burrow into the mudflat. Being out and about in a World Heritage Site is all the same to them. And the lambs also see less scenic fascination than proven sources of fodder in the salt meadows, green dikes and heathland. Despite all the beauty, dunes are not a decoration, but an essential island anchorage, and the 40 kilometres of sandy beach are a buffer zone between sea and land, as well as somewhat of an Eldorado for seashell seekers. Hence, it is less a matter of miserliness than generosity that over half of the island is under nature protection status. Only true sustainability can preserve (the joy of) our valuable legacy for generations to come.

|      10:00
Explore Wadden Sea Station Sylt Island
Wadden Sea Station Sylt

The AWI`s Wadden Sea Station in List on the island of Sylt is the northernmost research center in Germany. Located within walking distance of the Wadden Sea, it offers the ideal point of departure for research at sea, in the intertidal zone, or in the station`s own laboratories.
45 persons work at the AWI`s facilities on Sylt: Scientists of the department Coastal Ecology and service staff members. In addition, visiting researchers from Germany and abroad engaged in fieldwork and laboratory tests stay at the station.
The station`s conference rooms are regularly used for scientific workshops and seminars. In addition, each year roughly 400 students visit the AWI on Sylt, taking part in one-week courses to deepen their understanding of the Wadden Sea ecosystem. The station is also home to the NF-POGO Centre of Excellence.
Emerged from a small field station for Oyster Research founded in 1924 the Wadden Sea Station Sylt can look back on a long history and proud research tradition as part of the Biologische Anstalt Helgoland. Just like the AWI`s Helgoland site, on Sylt ecological time series are recorded, and the resultant data are made available to government offices, professional associations, and research institutes.
|      10:00
Meet your CORE-Teams on Sylt Island

The CORE`s of 5 are the beating hearts of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB:
Following the Neuroleadership-Experience we start to take action @ THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB with a CORE of 5.

The CORE-Team´s built THINK-TANK´s of 15 and BRAINPOOL`s of 50 as sounding-Boards for their support and feedback knowledge-network. The CORE´s act also as Program Commission for our Berlin, Heidelberg and Föhr-Amrum-Sylt Island Cycle Panels to make their results of their working continium continuously public.

More @ - How we Work
|      14:00 
Late Lunch with Partners, Families, Friends & Colleagues
Take a long brake, time to chat and to relax.

Tablereservation: +49-4651-964646
Restaurant Sansibar - Herbert Seckler -
Hörnumer Straße 80
25980 Rantum auf Sylt
Sansibar Online
|      15:00 
Open  End @ Sansibar
Tablereservation: +49-4651-964646
Restaurant Sansibar - Herbert Seckler -
Hörnumer Straße 80
25980 Rantum auf Sylt
Sansibar Online
Conference Location

Sylt (German pronunciation; Danish: Sild; Söl'ring North Frisian: Söl) is an island in northern Germany, part of Nordfriesland district, Schleswig-Holstein, and well known for the distinctive shape of its shoreline. It belongs to the North Frisian Islands and is the largest island in North Frisia. The northernmost island of Germany, it is known for its tourist resorts, notably Westerland, Kampen and Wenningstedt-Braderup, as well as for its 40-kilometre-long (25-mile) sandy beach. It is frequently covered by the media in connection with its exposed situation in the North Sea and its ongoing loss of land during storm tides. Since 1927, Sylt has been connected to the mainland by the Hindenburgdamm causeway. In later years, it has been a resort for the German jet set and tourists in search of occasional celebrity sightings

By invitation only. Max. 150 participants

Location: Sylt Island in the Waddensea of the North Sea, Germany

ISLANDCYCLE Symposium Language: English – the language of medicine & German
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB welcomes their CO-HOSTS for their support to make this first HEALTH FOUNDATION DAY on SYLT Island a success. We welcome further inquiries. Please contact the President`s Office.
The Islandcycle
Program Committee
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB Board Members invites for every FORUM & SYMPOSIUM a Program Committee to review the Schedule, the Locations and the Panels with their Speakers and Chairpersons. The Program Committee also invites the CO-HOSTS and supports their additional Conference Program with Chairs and Speakers.
The Program Committee is chaired by the President - Call for Proposals
Posted August 31, 2021
In the aftermath of the World Health Summit 2021 in Berlin, THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB held its first GRAND ROUND at International Club. An Brainpool Panel Event of key thought leaders in Berlin. The President announced the ISLANDCYCLE FÖHR-AMRUM-SYLT May 26th-30th, 2022 with a call for proposals by the Club`s CORE-Teams & THINK-TANK´s.
Call for College recruits!
Posted september 1, 2021
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE will launch with its first class of students at the Island Symposium in Föhr May 26-29, 2022 to start the leadership academy. Apply now for a seat in the classroom.

THE HEALTH CAPTAINS COLLEGE is the Leadership Academy for Health 4.0 and One Health to shape the Excellence of “360-Degree Next-Generation multiprofessional and international Leadership for the HEALTH INDUSTRY, HEALTH SCIENCES and HEALTH POLICY” together in Europe and beyond.
Dr. Bettina Borisch joined the Program Committee of THE HEALTH FOUNDATION DAY on Sylt Island.
Posted september 9, 2021
Professor Dr Borisch is an MD and a Histopathologist, MPH and Fellow of the Royal College of Pathology (UK). Her scientific research work delves into neoplastic lesions of the immune system and breast cancer. Her interests also include community-based oncology, as well as health communication and global health. She is the Editor in Chief of “Pathobiology” and the Co-Editor of “Journal of Public Health Policy”. In addition to her academic work she acts as the Director of the World Federation of Public Health Associations and holds positions at several Committees of Public Health oriented institutions. She was president of Europa Donna – The European Breast Cancer Forum – and Founding President of the Swiss Forum of Europa Donna. She teaches at the University of Geneva, the Swiss School of Public Health and she also teaches patient support groups.

Bettina is Co-Chair of the Medical Board of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB and Sylt Island is her second home.
Dr. Christian K. Lackner joined the Program Committee of THE HEALTH FOUNDATION DAY on Sylt Island.
Posted september 15, 2021
Prof. Dr. med. Christian K. Lackner, MD PhD is currently Director and Senior Manager of the HealthCare Division | Drees & Sommer SE, Professor in Berlin and lecturing Professor in Stuttgart. He studied Medicine at the Semmelweis Medical School University of Budapest, LMU Munich, UCSF | University of California, San Francisco, OHSU | Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland. He received postgradual training in Surgery/Traumatology at the LMU Munich and Harvard Medical School. Up to end of 2011 he acted as Full Professor for Emergency Medicine and Management in Medicine at LMU, Munich and Chief Executive Officer and Executive Boardmember Institute for Emergency Medicine and Management in Medicine, University of Munich Hospital. He is Chairman of the Claus-Enneker-Foundation in Munich and earned an economical degree before starting with Medical School.

Christian is Member of the Board of Experts of THE HEALTH CAPTAINS CLUB and Chair of the Clubs CORE SYLT. He also acts as Co-Chair of the Munich-Brussels Chapter.
THE HEALTH CAPTAINS DAYS on Föhr Island May 26th & 28th, 2022
Posted December 1, 2021
Since 2003 the Think Tank (15), Symposium (150) and the Brainpools (50) of the “Health Captains” have been always started every year on the Ascension Day on the North Frisian Seafaring Island of Föhr according to our motto –  "RHÜM HART, KLAAR KIMMING” (Fering: “A big open heart and a clear horizon”). As people and as responsible persons, we look beyond the professional horizon – because responsibility for health is a task for society as a whole!
THE HEALTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP DAY on Amrum Island May 27th, 2022
Posted december 1, 2021
The focus of “The Health Entrepreneurs Day” is committed to the cultivation and activation of sustainable entrepreneurship in the Health Industry that is oriented towards patient benefit: Sustainable health entrepreneurship: from the desire to be a health entrepreneur …– we are looking for: “dynamic entrepreneurs“, “pioneering entrepreneurs“, “inventor entrepreneurs” and “company inventors“.
THE HEALTH FOUNDATIONS DAY on Sylt Island May 29th &30th, 2022
Posted December 1, 2021
The Philosophy of the HEALTH FOUNDATIONS DAY is to be a forum that actively point to positive examples of the successful interaction of “profit” (health sciences and healthcare industry) with “non-profit” (health foundations, health sciences institutions, NGOs, non-profit hospital sector, aid organizations such as the Red Cross, Order of St. John, Order of Malte, Sea Rescue Organizations etc.) on our Platform. We promote Leadership in Philanthropy - PQ = Philanthropic Intelligence: Motivate others to work collaboratively to do great things.
The Meaning of "SÜNJHAID" - since 2002
Posted December 1, 2021
SÜNJHAID! means in Fering, the language of the North Frisian islands of Föhr: HEALTH!  – according to the futurologist Leo A. Nefiodow, health is becoming a driving factor for the economy. Indicators suggest that the sixth long business cycle – “The Sixth Kondratieff” – health in the holistic sense – physically, mentally, mentally, ecologically & socially – will be the carrier of a long phase of prosperity in the 21st century. The goal of the founder: “Patient-centered navigation system for sustainable Medicine 4.0” and vision of the founder: “The patient will be the CEO of his Health”.

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