The ABC's of Your Health ~ A1c, Blood Pressure & Cholesterol
Join us on July 5th
Understand how your body's blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol levels are all so very important to your long-term health and wellness.  Get detailed information on how these three leading Chronic issues go hand-in-hand with each other.  Co-hosts, Dr. Ron Guevara and Registered Dietitian, Kate Hilliard will discuss a number of ways to lower your blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol numbers with a variety of lifestyle changes that include foods to eat and avoid, as well as other tips for busy, on-the-go schedules.  Discover how a variety of medications and supplements on the market can help control your numbers. Whether you've had one or all of these issues for several years, or was recently diagnosed ~ this one-hour informational event is for you!

RSVP by no later than June 30th @ 5pm. Once we've received your RSVP, someone from our office will contact you to collect payment. On the day of the event, a Video Link will be sent to you.

Available for Established Patients of Texas Family Wellness Clinic.

~ Insurance is Accepted for this Virtual Event ~
Copays / Coinsurance / Deductibles Apply.
Please contact our office at (361) 232-4187 to receive a Cash/Self-Pay Rate.
All Payments must be paid in full prior to receiving the video link to join the virtual event.

Virtual Video
Date & Time
July 5th, 2023, 4 PM - 5 PM
 Join us on July 5th
We look forward to hosting you!

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